Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 15 The feudal lords will join the alliance, the boastful Pan Feng (the 2 is asking for flowe

Sour jujube, the feudal lords will be allied with each other.

dong dong dong!

Suddenly, the drums of war sounded.

Cao Yu raised his eyebrows and straightened his black robe with a faint smile.

"Bowwen, let's go, the Chinese army has been promoted. It seems that the alliance will start."

Mr. Liu Bowen in green shirt nodded lightly and helped him tidy up the streamers behind him. He ordered his attendants to lead the way.

Cao Yu didn't plan to let his subordinates accompany them, and arranged them in their respective barracks, today's game.

Those present were either cunning and cunning, or those with ambitions. He didn't want his subordinates to be exposed so early.


Central Army, the main account.

When Cao Cao built the camp, he deliberately reserved the core area.

It is regarded as the place where the heroes meet, and also the place where the future leaders of the alliance will work.

He deliberately instructed his subordinates to decorate the place. Not only was the barracks the largest, but it was also designed in the form of a quadruple set.

The barracks can be freely shuttled around, and the floor of the conference hall is specially made of a whole piece of padding, which is not only ventilated and breathable, but also has a layer of soft animal skin on it.

This is also his careful thinking, the leader of the alliance is the position that the heroes chase.

If you get this position, you can command the heroes in name, and with such a perfect and comfortable residence, who will not be tempted?

Of course, he Cao Cao will not!


The feudal lords will be in alliance, if everyone is of one heart and one mind, the leader of the alliance will naturally be extremely honored.

In the current situation, the heroes have different opinions. Although they announced that they would join the alliance, it was just an excuse. The position of the leader of the alliance was a thankless task.

No matter who, no matter how hard they try, they can't get it right.

Cao Cao knew well, how could he enter the fire pit by himself?


"A lot of people."

Accompanied by Liu Bowen, Cao Yu came to the Central Army and sighed a little when he saw the constant traffic in the camp.

Liu Bowen smiled lightly and shook his blue shirt: "My lord, although there are many of them, what I saw was a group of wolves and tigers with different minds."


Cao Yu sighed softly.

"The heroes, the heroes, it's just a joke!"

He dismissed the word "heroes" with disdain.

Qun, they did it. Don't look at the 18 companies in this alliance, but there are actually more than 30 or 50 companies.

Some county magistrates and county magistrates also brought over a dozen soldiers of their own to join in the fun.

But how many people can afford the word "male"?

Do they really want to contribute to the court?

not necessarily!

"Rise with the trend, it is true to get a piece of the pie."


Cao Yu came relatively early, and the seats in the central army tent were not yet full. Since he was Cao Cao's son, he naturally had to take a seat in the array.

Liu Bowen poured him a cup of tea, and just when he was about to hand it to him, he realized that Cao Yu was scrutinizing at the moment, ignoring the people present.

In addition to the heroes from all sides, there are also generals under their accounts who are present today.

Behind the forces of each side, there are their own flags.



Cao Yu looked at it, and the first thing he noticed was the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang in the array of Gongsun Zan in Beiping.

Liu Bei had a bitter face, and although he was holding a cup in his hand, he didn't know what he was thinking, and was stunned.

Zhang Fei was much more at ease, he sat there drinking carelessly, laughing while drinking.

"It seems that the wine of father's honor and inferiority is very suitable for his taste."

In the end, what he paid attention to was Guan Yu, who was on the list of gods.

It is indeed extraordinary!

Nine feet tall, with a face like a heavy jujube, lying under the eyebrows of a silkworm, there is a faint murderous intent in Danfeng's eyes, and he is not angry and arrogant.

"Really heroic!"

Cao Yu secretly praised, worthy of being a famous general of the Wu Temple in later generations.


Compared to Guan Yu, Pan Feng in Han Fu's army was completely invisible.

Pan Feng didn't have a high degree of recognition, but Cao Yu found him because he was in front of the princes, bragging about himself, and his voice was loud.

"Everyone, I, Pan Feng, put my words here!"

"On the list of gods, even if the tenth place is not me, the eleventh will definitely not escape our palms!"

"Look, this is our big axe, weighing more than 100 catties, just ask who in this world can be!"

"What about Lu Bu?"

"And that what, what is Cao Yu's!"

"We're still waiting to meet him!"

If it weren't for Han Fu's pressure, I'm afraid the barracks would not be able to hold Pan Feng.

However, although he shouted in full force, few people present ignored him.

Everyone is discussing the second holy monument that will be born in seven days.


"My lord, this Pan Feng is going to challenge you."

Mr. Liu Bowen in green shirt, with a pair of old eyes full of ridicule, holding a cup of tea, it seems that the more he drinks, the more delicious it is.

Cao Yu was silent, mainly because he really didn't catch a cold with Pan Feng.

It was the words of the heroes that caught his attention.

"Everyone is so concerned about the second holy monument right now, it is estimated that they want to see if they are on the list."

"Secondly, I plan to see how the strength of each family is."

"And today's situation is very chaotic, everyone wants to come first to know ourselves and others."

"It's just a pity, how could it be so easy?"

Before, there was a lot of uproar just for being a god leader, but just like that, Cao Yu's identity was still not revealed. After the second holy monument appeared, could they know more?

Cao Yu didn't believe it.

Taking a sip of tea, he had just figured out what Liu Bowen said, when the tent door of the barracks suddenly opened, and Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Sun Jian came straight in.


With their arrival, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became serious.

Cao Yu knew that from this moment on, the feudal alliance was officially opened.


Sure enough, when Yuan Shao and Sun Jian were seated, Cao Cao said loudly, "Everyone!"

"Everyone has worked hard."

After saying that it was hard work, Cao Cao raised the corner of his mouth slightly and stared at everyone solemnly and solemnly.

"Those present today are all heroes of this world."

"Now that the years have changed, the sea has turned into a mulberry field, and after the emperor Guangwu pacified Wang Mang, the Han Dynasty has revived."

"It has been hundreds of years, but the rise and fall of the world is the way of reincarnation."

"Before Wang Mang usurped the Han, and today Dong Zhuo is here to gain power."

"The world is in turmoil, and the people are struggling to survive."

"I am waiting for everyone, out of the public heart, for the sake of heaven, to the side of the Qingjun, to restore the peace of the Han Dynasty."

When the words fell, Cao Cao waved his hand, and the man in charge of etiquette outside the door immediately blew a distant and desolate horn, and the whining sound weighed down even more. A bit of joke.

"When Cao Cao was speaking, there were many people, such as Han Fu and Chen Xingzhi, who didn't listen carefully."

"On the contrary, he is still biting his ears with his subordinates. It is estimated that my father also saw this and called people drums."

For his actions, Cao Yu deeply agrees. Cao Cao deserves to be the person who can pacify the lords of the world in the future. It is the handling of this detail that is admirable.

If he just said a reminder and stopped, I am afraid that it will break the anger that is not united at the scene!

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