Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 16 The Battle of the Leaders (The 3 Request for Flowers)

The sound of drum trumpets outside the tent gradually died out.

The discussion at the scene was also quiet.

Cao Cao just finished his sword armor and continued to speak, but his voice was much heavier than before.

"Everyone, I am here today to meet with you to fight thieves."

"In order to achieve a major event, it is necessary to get an order to unify."

"Forbidding orders is the way to use soldiers."

Cao Yu didn't expect him to cut to the subject so quickly.

"It seems that Father Father is trying to slow down."

"Take advantage of everyone's time to discuss and finalize the big event."

"Good trick."


The central army, where Gongsun Zan is located.

"Isn't what Cao Cao meant to choose the leader of the alliance?"

Gongsun Zan's eyes flickered, and he put a hand on the small table in front of him to block his movements, and quietly scolded his brother beside him.

"Gongsun Fan, you look at Cao Cao, do you intend to be the leader of the alliance?"


Gongsun Fan, the younger brother of Gongsun Zan, was also one of the founders of his position.

In addition to him, there is Gongsun Yue, also for his eldest brother, life and death, the three brothers' relationship is quite good.


Compared with Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Fan is much more upright.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I don't think so."


Gongsun Zan lowered his brows: "Why do you say that?"

"Because he doesn't deserve it."

"How many men does Cao Cao have?"

"Besides, he is an eunuch, what is it!"

"Is he worthy?"

Gongsun Fan said, snorted disdainfully, and spat fiercely on the ground.

"That's right, he really doesn't deserve it."

The brother's words made Gongsun Zan feel a little more at ease, and he was also thinking about whether he should fight for the position of the leader of the alliance.


Gongsun Zan was still hesitating because he knew that his own strength was insufficient. Compared with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and others, his strength was far worse.

Not even with Guan Yu in hand.

He knew that he might not be able to drive the movement now, this god will be the famous Guan Yunchang on the list.

Gongsun Zan is self-aware, but others are not.


Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, brothers of the same clan, are whispering secretly at this moment.

"Road, I will recommend you as the leader of the alliance after a while, how about that?"

Yuan Shao was holding a glass of wine, and although he was staring at Cao Cao, he was muttering in a low voice.

Yuan Shu on the side laughed.

"Big Brother Benchu, we are from the same clan, although you are the outer sect, I am the clan."

"But at your age, it's not suitable for you to recommend my younger brother, right?"

Yuan Shu pinched his mustache, yin and yang strangely.


Hearing this, Yuan Shao was instantly angry, Yuan Shu's words were thorny.

"What do you mean by reminding me of the difference between the sects at this time!"

"Besides, what is outside the sect, it's just the division of the concubines!"

"Could it be that you are a member of the clan, you must be superior to others!"


Although Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are brothers from the same family, Yuan Shu is the second son, and Yuan Shao is the son of his concubine.

Therefore, in normal times, they are brothers, but the two of them are very close to each other. In addition, Yuan Shu's eyes are higher than the top, so he always looks down on his brothers.

Yuan Shao hated him even more.

I said that just now, but Xiangxier, who would have known Yuan Shu would react like this.


"Brother, why don't you speak?"

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Yuan Shu smiled and deliberately chased after him.

"I just said what I said from the bottom of my heart. As long as you are willing, eldest brother, I can help you!"

"The position of this alliance leader is yours!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Shao chose to ignore him, but the position of the leader of the alliance in his heart was even more important.

He is a member of the Yuan clan, the fourth generation and the third prince, and is the head of the current prominent family and group of officials.

Now that the army is fighting thieves, he won't be the leader of the alliance, who will?

Who is more suitable than him?


Han Fu also had the same thoughts, especially when Pan Feng, who was so mad at the side, spoke up.

"Sir, I'm looking at Cao Cao. I'm afraid he has the intention to be the leader of the alliance."

"We must not miss the opportunity."

As Pan Feng said that, he glanced at the 100-pound axe behind him and swore it.

"As long as you say a word, Lord, if anyone dares not to recommend you today, the commander will hack him on the spot!"

"Shut up."

Han Fu reprimanded, shook his head and sighed.

"Pan Feng, Pan Feng, although you have good martial arts, how can you be so clueless."

"You're not afraid of being overheard when you speak so loudly, so I'll take your head off first!"

"You're going to die, don't pull me."


Cao Cao continued to speak. He stood on Dan Chi, and the expressions and movements of everyone present could not be concealed from his eyes.

"It seems that everyone can't wait for the position of the leader."

"It's a pity that Cao had already been chosen for the position of the leader of the alliance."

Don't look at it, Cao Cao is not the strongest among the people present. At least everyone still doesn't know the identity of Cao Yu, so in comparison, his strength may not be as good as that of Han Fu and Gongsun Zan in the eyes of everyone.

However, since he started building the coalition camp, all the changes in the situation have been in his hands.

"All right."

Suddenly, Cao Cao raised his voice: "What Cao said just now is just a few words from Cao's heart, and now I want to order unification, I must first find a person with high morals and respect, who can convince me and others to take charge of the balance!"

"Masters, do you have any recommendations?"

"Now please express your opinions."

As Cao Cao said that, he shook his hand and directly answered Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao, the prefect of Guangling, is the 11th soldier for the heroes.


Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment. He never thought that Cao Cao would start with him first, but since he had been targeted, he had to bite the bullet and get up.

"Everyone, regarding the position of the leader of the alliance, I really haven't considered it."

"The people here today are all heroes. I think anyone can do it. If you have to choose one person, then Yuan Shu and Yuan Gonggong will be fine!"

Zhang Chao randomly named Yuan Shu's name, because among the people present, he was of high rank.

The prefect of Nanyang, together with the rear general, one of the four generals in the court, is much higher than the others.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and named Zhang Yang, the prefect of Shangdang.

With the first one, the next one will be easy. Since Zhang Chao chose Yuan Shu, Zhang Yang was fortunate enough to push Bao Xin next to him.

Cao Cao didn't say anything, one after another, when only Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian and himself did not express their opinions.

Cao Cao spoke again.

The nomination of everyone just now was very coping, which led to almost everyone being nominated.

But Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao were named the most. As for himself, he also had three supporters.

As for that Sun Jian...

There was no one to choose.

"It seems that everyone is afraid of Sun Jian's bravery, so they didn't mention it."

"A group of rats!"

Cao Cao sighed in his heart, seeking out thieves for the imperial court was an act for the public, and they had to be so intriguing.

If it weren't for helplessness, I would be ashamed to be in the company of people like this!

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