Wang Yun waved his hand and stared at the crowd with a serious look on his face. All he relies on now is Lu Bu behind him!

"Everyone, now that the thief of the country is dead, the rest will not be blamed! 35

"As long as everyone can continue to serve the imperial court well in the future, then everything will no longer be held accountable.

Saying that, Wang Yun gave Lu Bu a wink.

After understanding, Lu Bu took a step forward and came to Li Jue and Guo Si.

"Two, we are brothers who have been together for a long time."

"You should know what the old thief did to me, Lu Bu, right?"

Li Jue and Guo Si looked at each other and nodded.

Of course they understood what Lu Bu meant.

Dong Zhuo treats him so well, he can kill him, let alone them?

"Don't worry, Lord.

Clap his fists and hands, Li Jue and Guo Si threw away the weapon in his hand and knelt directly to the ground.

"The last will be waiting for the court to obey the law."

"Good. 99

Lu Bu's eyes lit up, and he raised his hands to support the two of them.

"As long as you can change your mind and abandon the darkness to the light! 39

Dong Zhuo was dead, and Li Jue and Guo Si also gave up all resistance under the coercion of Lv Bu, and it seemed that the court situation had been stabilized.

Wang Yun took a deep breath, the always peaceful Lord Situ is also full of chills today.

"Everyone, from now on, all the authority of the imperial court will be in the hands of Your Majesty!

As Wang Yun said that, he leaned over and prostrated himself, and kept kowtowing to the throne of the emperor and the queen on the altar.

Old tears.

"Oh my God, my Wang Yun finally clenched my fists in this country!"

"It's not easy! 35

"It's not easy!

He cried like this, but it also attracted other people's sorrow, and suddenly burst into tears.



For some unknown reason, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, followed by a burst of thunder and downpour.

Maybe this is the sky crying?

Inside the palace, in the harem.

Bai Xi, who has been looking forward to it, seems to have a feeling in her heart when she sees the scene of heavy rain. She knows that Dong Zhuo must have bid farewell to this world.

Great, he died, and his humiliation could be paid for.

"My lord, the concubine has finally completed the mission"!"

However, what she felt in her heart still made Bai Xi dare not let go until she heard the whispers of the servant outside.

Not only Dong Zhuo died, but Li Ru was also executed!


The three-foot white silk was hung on the room, and Bai Xi looked at the hanging veil and walked over with a blank expression.

This is her last stop.

After completing the task, she doesn't have to live anymore.

A humiliated life can only be washed with life.

For a moment when Bai Ling was tense, Bai Xi ended her life.

She's a hero, but also a poor person...

Deep night!

On the way from Chenliu to Chang'an, Cao Yu received information.

Dong Zhuo is dead!

This is undoubtedly good news for them, but this good news also represents the loss of an innocent life.


After giving an order, Cao Yu said solemnly: "Bai Xi's younger brother, tell Chen Liu to let him study literature with Wang Meng, and then learn martial arts under Li Cunxiao."39

"I want to raise this child well."

"Understood. 35

Liu Bowen bowed slightly, keeping everything in his heart.

After a moment of mourning, Cao Yu stood up and restrained his emotions.

"Okay, now let's go see my father.

"He must be more eager to see this information than I am.

Dong Zhuo's death!

Just the title of the narration made Cao Cao see it with enthusiasm, and even he didn't quite believe it.

Did Dong Zhuo really die like this?

Cao Yu didn't explain, but let him continue watching.

After reading the letter, Cao Cao was shocked.

"Yu'er, this is exactly what you expected.

Cao Yu smiled lightly: "Of course it's the same, but it doesn't matter anymore.

"We should move faster. 99

"Good. 99

Cao Cao nodded heavily and his eyes flickered: "But Yu'er, is it too fast for us to rush to Chang'an now?

"If they haven't done it yet, or if the accident isn't over, we're going too fast, isn't it bad?

Cao Cao's worries were not without reason.

Cao Yu disagreed.

"Don't worry, Father, if the child is not wrong, tonight, I'm afraid it will be the beginning of the chaos.

Chang'an City!

In the mansion of Situ Wang Yun!

Wang Yun's death of Bai Xi was predictable. Although the two of them did not have any feelings, Wang Yun was still a little sad when he thought of that lovely girl.

Especially at this moment, Lu Bu was crying in his house, and Wang Yun had to accompany him to act.

The reason why Lu Bu was so grieved was entirely because of a book left by Bai Xi before his death.

But this is also the life-saving method she left to Wang Yun.

In order to prevent Lv Bu from being suspicious of her death, Bai Xi displayed Dong Zhuo's various atrocities in the book of the best.

He then claimed that he was so humiliated that he committed suicide by hanging himself.

Then she asked Lu Bu to help her take care of her father.

In just a few words, the endless thoughts and pains are all in it.

Lu Bu was really sad because he buried Bai Xi's body and sent this letter to Wang Yun.

This time, he was emotional.

Wang Yun didn't say much, but he didn't want to cry with Lu Bu anymore.

Now that Dong Zhuo has just died, the most important thing is to cut off his remaining forces.

It doesn't matter in Chang'an City, Li Jue, Guo Si and others have been isolated from the army and locked at home.

But what about the forces in Dong Zhuo's hometown?

If they are not eliminated quickly, they will only leave endless troubles in the future.


After hesitating for a while, Wang Yun still spoke.

"Don't be sad, it's also my Wang Yun's bad fate, neither of my two daughters are left behind. 35

"Let's die when we die, we have to live a good life as long as we live.

"Now that the situation is still unstable, I hope you, Wen Hou, will restrain your sorrow (good king, good), and the most important thing is to stabilize the country!

Lu Bu took a breath and stared at him with tiger eyes: "Wang Situ, what do you want to say?"

"Master Hou.

Wang Yun bluntly said: "Xiaguan hopes that you, Lord Hou, can take responsibility, dispatch troops, and immediately conquer Dong Zhuo's remaining forces in his hometown. 35

"Don't let the weeds grow."

It makes sense.

Moreover, although he has true feelings for Bai Xi, what attracts him more is the imperial court's award.

Lu Bu paused and nodded in agreement.

"All right.""

Wiping away the tears on his face, he was the same Lu Bu from before.

"Wang Situ, I'm going to dispatch troops now.

"Wait a minute.""

Before waiting for Lu Bu to get up, Wang Yun pulled him back and said, "This time, when the Marquis deploys troops, remember to choose his confidants, and the generals must be carefully selected.

"Before those Dong Zhuo's subordinates were not good enough, the subordinate officials thought that General Huangfu Song would be a good choice!" Zhuo.

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