Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 202 Li Jue wants to kill Lu Bu and seize military power

Huangfu Song, the word meaning. A famous general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the son of Huangfujie, the prefect of Yanmen, and the nephew of Huangfugui, the general of Duliao.

He came from a famous family and had very high requirements on himself, and he also paid great attention to self-cultivation.

Moreover, he has been a little genius since he was a child, and was initially named Xiaolian and Maocai. After the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Uprising, Shang Shu requested to lift the ban on the party, and was awarded the title of Zuo Zhong Lang.

After Ma Teng belonged to the imperial court, he was instructed to supervise the army and defeat the Kingdom Department, that is, Ma Teng's eldest brother. Later, when Dong Zhuo entered the dynasty, the two of them had a bad relationship and were imprisoned and removed from office. Now I have nothing to do at home making baskets.

When he mentioned him, Lu Bu couldn't help nodding, this was indeed a very good assistant.

"Well then, I'll go find Huangfu Song! 35

"It's just what Lord Situ said, how about that? 95

Wang Yun nodded heavily, that was necessary.

He is now enjoying this feeling of dispatching troops.

Seeing his approval, Lu Bu stopped talking nonsense, got up and left, it took time to deploy troops, and he had to discuss it with Zang Bang and the others.

Chang'an City, General Li Jue's Mansion!

What happened today made him tremble with fear. Who would have thought that such a mighty Taishi would die if he said he would die, or at the hands of Lu Bu.

This is creepy.

Of course, the most terrifying thing was what Lu Bu said at the end.

It seems that he has bypassed everyone now, but he can even kill Dong Zhuo, let alone 363 people.

Li Jue, Guo Si and Fan Chou and Zhang Ji have a good relationship and belong to Dong Zhuo's group.

On Lü Bu's side were Zhang Liao, Gaoshun, and Cao Xing and Hao Meng.

If we count the original Hua Xiong, it happens that they are the two major gangs under Dong Zhuo's command.

No matter what it is, once there is a gang, there will definitely be a hostile relationship.

Li Jue and the others were constrained by Lu Bu.

So at this moment, they can't help but think more about how to go in the future.

Although Li Jue was in the mansion at the moment, he knew that he was imprisoned.


Just when he was unhappy and uneasy, he suddenly heard footsteps coming out of the door.

When he went out to take a look, Li Jue was shocked.

Because Guo Si, Fan Chou and Zhang Ji came side by side.

But what surprised him the most was Hao Meng who was following him.

What is he doing here?

In an instant, Li Jue raised his vigilance.

"Big brother!"

The structure of this small gang, Li Jue, was the same as that of Lu Bu, and the other three called him the eldest brother.


"General Hao Meng."

With a slight bow, Li Jue looked ten (cadg) respectful.

Hao Meng hurriedly smiled at this moment: "It can't be like this, it can't be like this!"

"You're welcome, General."

Li Jue didn't say much and smiled again, then stood at the door and became a roadblock.

"What, big brother, you don't want us to go in?"

Guo Si said, "We came to see you on purpose! 35

"forget it."

Li Jue took a deep breath and said indifferently, "The Marquis told me to wait at home to recuperate, how can I gather together?"

"I won't let you in, go home quickly to avoid trouble!

Fan Chou laughed, he knew what Li Jue was doing.

"Brother, you don't have to worry so much."

"We also know what to do, but there's nothing we can do. Who will let General Hao Meng take the lead?"

"No, no, no!


Hearing this, a fierce light suddenly flashed in Li Jue's eyes, he was worried that this Hao Meng was ordered to kill.

"don’t worry.

Before he could speak, Hao Meng smiled naively.

"General Li, what exactly am I here for, you will find out later.

"I won't say anything extra."

"Let's go first, I promise that this time, there is only good for you, no harm!

Their eyes met, to be honest, Li Jue didn't believe him, but when he glanced at the other people, seeing that they didn't have any reminders or were uneasy, Li Jue was also a little moved.

After a little thought, he still let the door open.

Inside the hall!

At this moment, due to Li Jue's arrangement, not a single person was breathing within twenty steps outside the entire house.

Now they don't have to worry about being heard by outsiders.

However, Jinyiwei does not count!

Just on the tiles of their house, there is a Jin Yiwei lurking at the moment.

They are really all-pervasive.

There was a lot of tea, but no one drank it.

Everyone, look at me now, I look at him, no one speaks, and finally Guo Si couldn't bear it anymore, he took Li Jue's arm and said, "Brother, our chance has come!"

what chance?

With a frown, Li Jue looked at Hao Meng: "I don't quite understand. 99


Hao Meng waved his hand and took a sip from the teacup: "General Li, in fact, everyone here today was brought out by me.

"There is only one purpose, discuss it with you and see what to do in the future."

"Lu Bu scared me this time!"

Hao Meng didn't talk nonsense, even though he looked big and three thick, but his mind was still delicate.

At least he knew how to analyze the situation.

This time Dong Zhuo's death has given him a great feeling, that is, being with Lu Bu, I'm afraid there will be no good results.

Just imagine when he was in Hulao Pass, when Ye Hulao Pass was attacked, what did Lu Bu do?

If it wasn't for him, Hao Mengfu's fate, he would have been finished last time.

Hao Meng fled desperately to return to Luoyang.

Can Lu Bu treat him like this?

Even if he didn't ask about his situation, he even falsely blamed him for many things, which directly led to Dong Zhuo's anger and fined him a hundred whips.

Although, Hao Meng's rough skin and thick flesh is not a problem.

But he couldn't keep his face down.

So from then on, he was ready and no longer trusted Lu Bu.

And today, the reason why he is looking for all these people is for one purpose - to kill Lu Bu!

Dong Zhuo died, and the imperial power was in chaos.

At present, there is only one military commander in the imperial court who can be ranked top. If you kill him, you will gain imperial power.

Hao Meng is not without ambition.

Besides, he still had a grudge against Lu Bu, so he should find a suitable opportunity to shoot.

After listening to what he said, Li Jue suddenly realized: "But General Hao, have you ever thought about it, we don't have military power now! 99

"How do you want us to act?

Hao Meng pouted and laughed.

"I'm not here to send you military power!"

As he said that, he took out his military talisman from his arms.

"This piece of equipment can deploy 3,000 troops. In terms of the current state of Chang'an, if the generals are willing to help, it is not impossible for 3,000 troops to seize the city!

Three thousand people are already quite a lot.

Li Jue secretly figured in his heart that he could have done it after all. I was afraid that it would not be long before Lu Bu would come to steal their heads.

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