"But some things are not acceptable to us, so try not to do them any more. I am afraid that I will be caught and the picture will be very scary."

Just thinking about it makes me feel suffocated. They had already started doing crazy research there that night, how should they escape?

Thinking of this, they began to think of the things that happened to them before, and the same people escaped from prison.

In the end, he was beheaded by the whole family, and even pulled to the guillotine, where he kept beheading.

The people had already been chopped off, and then the corpses were dismantled into eight pieces. That image was still vivid in their minds to this day.

Anyway, it doesn't make any sense to be entangled here, because there are some things that they can't decide, and they still hope that they can be a little more mature and stable.

In this way, you will also avoid those terrible things from happening to you, in short, for your own safe and secure life in the future.

For the sake of their own living, they should put away all those unrealistic thoughts, it's really too painful.

"I really can't hold on anymore. If it was in the past, I think it's okay to hold on a little bit, but now I can't hold on anymore. If it continues like this, I will definitely go crazy."

They are really tormented, and this kind of thing is beyond human experience.

So they're going to do it tonight, even though all sorts of things may happen by then.

It is even very likely that others will be caught, and they all feel that it does not matter.

What is he doing? As long as they can escape from this place, they must do their best, because they know that they do not have the right to decide, and for the sake of their life, they must persevere.

However, within a few minutes, several people were caught, and they thought they could easily leave.

But I didn't expect that Liu Bei had already calculated that this moment would happen, and then he was stuck in that place. Their results can be imagined.

Grabbed them all fiercely, and even subdued them under their feet.

"I knew something like this would happen that day, but I didn't expect you people to be so arrogant. Yes, very good. 99

"I don't want me to see you people again. I can't see it anymore, basically you are going to leave this world.

Liu Bei is laughing at a very arrogant Ke.

And also showed that kind of bohemian smile, really for a moment, they are really incomparably tormented.

Fortunately, they didn't take that step just now, but they couldn't escape the suspicion.

It was a matter of time before they were caught anyway, and they shouldn't have come here from the beginning. But what has to be done has been done, so what can be done?

Up to now, he (Li Qianzhao) can only say that they are taking one step at a time. I can only silently pray to God not to come and kill them all.

Anyway, that kind of thing is enough to cause them a lot of damage.

This kind of thing is not something they can decide, everything is to follow Liu Bei's orders and move forward.

I hope nothing happens, or they will go crazy and find themselves a puppet, a tool man, without knowing it.

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