This is the reality. After they found out that they had been locked in this environment where they could not see their fingers for a few days, the face was already ugly and it couldn't be more ugly.

All the people had already started to panic, their faces were already pale and pale, and their faces were ashen. At that time, there was only one thought in their minds, and that was when they could leave this ghost place.

Some of them want to escape from prison, but when they think of all kinds of possibilities later, they start to be afraid again. This kind of thing is really not acceptable to them, not to mention being bound by others. The right to freedom of life .

What exactly is this Liu Bei wanting to do, they really don't know and really don't want to know.

They were afraid that if they knew, the consequences would be unimaginable. Thinking about that scene, 587 felt very creepy, and they really felt extremely tormented in their hearts.

But the common people will always be a group of small shrimps without the power of the chicken, even in such a situation, they are still the same as always.

The whole body began to tremble, but there were still many bold people who picked up the tools in their hands and kept shouting and swearing majesty.

They are really working hard and think about it for their own dog's life.

"Although this kind of thing is not something you and I can decide, but if we don't even have the least right to personal freedom, then what difference is there between us as a group of puppets."

"So let's pick up the weapons in our hands now, don't continue to look for trouble, now this damage is just a little bit of skin, because you don't know, what terrible things will continue to happen in the next second. ."

In this prison, they will be restricted from personal liberty rights and suffer the pain of prison. At that time, they only had one thought in their hearts, that is to ask for forgiveness. They were really speechless and felt that their lives were in danger at any time. All likely to die.

These people hesitated for a long time in their hearts, and finally they couldn't hold back.

They didn't commit a heinous crime, (cadg) and then they had to be executed, they were just a group of small villagers, a group of small shrimps without any resistance.

In fact, they themselves are well aware of this, and it is precisely because of this that people are more tormented. They want to say, they really can't hold back.

If you continue at this time, you will only raise your head to see you. Tomorrow, the little friends around you will all die. How can they see such a thing happen to them? It is really too painful.

Their hearts had already begun to tremble, but they had already begun to worry about their own safety that night.

They can't just continue like this, they know that that kind of thing will only make them suffer even more, and they can't continue to sit still.

Perhaps considering that he is only a group of tool people, he may disappear into this world at any time.

At that moment, they started to be a little scared again. Wouldn't it be true that people's heads would fall to the ground this day? They really didn't want to face such a picture. Just thinking about it made their scalps numb. How could they? I can see the people around me die like this.

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