Perhaps it was because Cao Yu's words were so shocking that they were so frightened that they didn't dare to raise their heads.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't even have the courage to look at Cao Yu, no wonder Cao Yu suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and they knew from the beginning that there was something wrong.

It turned out to be such a thing. Being tortured by people just using their eyes would also make them feel goosebumps all over their bodies, mainly because Cao Yu's eyes were too scary.

They were killed by surprise, and they had no room to speak. Some of them were really very guilty. They knew that when they started to make such a move, they should be fully prepared~

One day in the future, Cao Yu may take control at any time, and even once the consequences are found to be unimaginable, it is not just a simple matter of falling to the ground, remember how tragic the death of their previous brother was—.

Until now, those remarks are still rumored among them. It is said that he first accepted the severe torture, and then he was involved in the nine clans, and ended up with a broken family.

Because of you alone, your family was implicated. In the end, when you were in so much pain that you didn't even have room to struggle, your head was about to fall to the ground, and then it was hung on the city gate.

The whole family is neat and tidy, and they are all hanging in that place. It can be regarded as a chance for everyone present to remind them that they must know a little bit in their hearts. If they do the same thing, one day in the future.

That's how they ended up. Just thinking about it makes people get goosebumps all over. After a while, they definitely can't find out who this traitor is sacred.

Looking around, everyone is very panic. Could it be that this is a group crime? That is not realistic, but I know there are at most two or three people, but there will be no way to confirm this fact for a while.

However, Cao Yu is not in a hurry, he plans to put this matter aside for now, and one day he will be able to bring these guys out.

As long as he dares to do whatever he wants in the next time, then Cao Yu will definitely catch a series of clues and be sure to catch this person.

··0 Flowers·

He also handed over this matter to the other people around him to deal with, and asked them to keep an eye on it. If there is any problem at that time, they must be questioned. Tomorrow will be the time for them to set off.

It can be said that there are many difficulties along the way, everyone dare not have any more distractions, it can only be said that they are under the pressure and bite the bullet. In fact, they already belong to the state above.

But Cao Yu still doesn't allow them to have any arrogant attitude, because the military forces under their hands now are built up bit by bit by Cao Yu. Even many poor ordinary people were forced to be pulled over helplessly, and then joined their army, experiencing very harsh training every day.

It has already been beyond recognition, and they want to escape from this place again and again, but they have no choice at all, they can only accept this fact, because the mission on their shoulders.

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