That's it, Cao Yu is not the kind of person with no conscience, and he is definitely not a kind-hearted person. After the subordinates received the news, they immediately did what they were asked to do. After a while, they found someone who was quite suspicious. guy.

Because this was their internal discussion, the person who found out, Cao Yu, who heard the news, was very excited, and immediately put all the work at hand to "May 27" aside. go.

Then he quickly called this guy over and called him in front of him, even though he was fully prepared when he saw the other party.

It seems that this person will definitely be beaten to death and he doesn't want to admit it, but it doesn't matter, it's nothing, the only thing he doesn't want to admit is whether he actually made such a move? Everything is easy to say.

Across a long distance, I could feel the guy kneeling on the ground, feeling very nervous. I didn't expect it to be counted, but Cao Yu finally counted it.

But at this moment, he couldn't give up his accomplices anyway. If he did give it up at the time, the consequences would be disastrous, not just the simple matter of two people dying together.

That must have implicated more people, so when Cao Yu came over and asked him who his accomplice was, he held the very fierce big knife in his hand and pressed it on his neck.

He didn't mean to struggle, he didn't think it was necessary to struggle, it was as if he couldn't speak at all, no matter what Cao Yu asked him about?

This guy just kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything from the beginning to the end as if he didn't respond, which really made Cao Yu furious.

At that time, he only felt that the knife under his hand had started to itch constantly, and he also moved his muscles and bones.

He said, "Okay, I think you are really stubborn, and I admire your courage, but I still say that, if you dare to do this under my nose, then you will Do your best to prepare, so let's go! 39

Cao Yu smiled sarcastically. He never liked to do this kind of thing, because he thought it would get his hands dirty, so he gave a look to the other subordinates around him..0

Let them take the sharp knife in their hands and drain their blood first. The soldiers next to them and the people next to them are brothers who were born and died. They used to be pictures of everyone fighting on the battlefield.

Up to now, it is still in everyone's mind, vividly vivid in their minds, although they did something like this to betray everyone, but after all, the relationship is still here, and they are not willing to accept this fact.

Not to mention the cruelty of killing their own brother with a knife in their own hands. They only felt that their hands were trembling, but they still held onto the knife tightly.

But in fact, the thought of them almost kneeling on the ground has already reached 3.7, and even began to ask the brothers beside them to quickly surrender, at least to keep their own life, if Cao Yu can think about using him .

Immediately afterwards, some false information was spread out, and this guy's life was saved, and it was not that Cao Yu didn't think so.

But the reason why he didn't do it was because on the one hand he could see it.

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