But in everyone's ears, such remarks have become another taste.

He was all yin and yang, and he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I have fought for so many years, Zhang Fei, and I have never encountered such a stupid thing."

"As long as we deal with this issue a little more rationally from the beginning, I think the changes will be very big.

"But you still didn't take my words to heart. It's our own fault that things have turned into what they are today. Let's think about how to find a way back for ourselves!

This kind of thing is really haggard, and although everyone says they've always been very optimistic, it's actually -- it's really embarrassing.

Getting tired day by day, they first evacuated this place with their own troops, found a safe environment, and stayed for a while, hoping that the situation would be greatly improved.

Cao Yu didn't know what to think these days. Suddenly everything stopped, and they stopped all of a sudden. I don't know what happened, but things were still the same as they imagined. A little in and out.

Maybe Cao Yu did this just to play with them, thinking that they are very interesting now, basically treating them as an object of ridicule, and looking down on this guy from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Fei is also a big man with a head and a face. He can't be bothered by others in his lifetime, which has made him very unable to hold his head up. He even feels that his personality has been insulted by 10,000 points. Now he also really wants to find Cao Yu.

Ask him for an explanation, what exactly Cao Yu wants, it is better to give everyone a happy one, so that you don't have to worry about this problem all the time.

Even from the beginning to the end, he was really struggling. Soon, everyone answered this question for him. Many people agreed that Cao Yu probably wanted to maintain a certain connection with them in this way.

Then the next time will be very convenient for his actions. Cao Yu especially likes to recruit talents. If you really have that ability, you may even be favored by him.

··0 Seeking flowers·........

That is very good. The rest of your life can be said to be an operation like opening and hanging. The days after you, let alone how happy you will be, can be said to be a very casual and comfortable state.

Of course, except when you ask you to go to the battlefield, you can make all kinds of excessive demands very freely at other times, as long as it doesn't involve Cao Yu's bottom line.


Cao Yu keeps his eyes open and closes his eyes. He is such a generous person. Of course, he can't use the word "generous" to describe him. After all, this kind of word should not be used to describe others casually.

The news that Cao Yu received was also because they were too scared, so they quickly evacuated the place with their own troops, and they didn't want to stay for a moment.

I always feel that I may experience all kinds of life-threatening dangers at any time. This kind of thing really makes people sweat. Everyone's current state is very bad, and they are on the verge of pain.

These soldiers also kept asking Liu Bei again and again, hoping that the other party could give them a reassuring reply.

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