Or tell them that they will not be in any danger.

In this way, everyone doesn't have to worry all the time, but judging from the current situation, they know that their ideas are indeed a bit too whimsical.

Because Liu Bei didn't care about their safety at all, but their own affairs had nothing to do with him, and no one knew what Liu "590" Bei was thinking.

What he wants to do has always been a behavior that makes people feel very confusing. Could it be that they have been used as a tool by others before they knew it?

Now, if they are useful, they will be pulled over, and when they are not used, they will be kicked away one by one. Today, their military power is also very humble, even to the point of being unable to fight back.

There is also a huge gap between them and Cao Yu. If it goes on like this, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable. Can they continue to be free here? Who gave them this qualification?

I believe that as long as anyone with brains can understand, the difference between them and Cao Yu is also very big.

But only Liu Bei is still so confident. He will never change his attitude. He thinks that Cao Yu is also a dispensable character, and he even thinks it naively.

Cao Yu is a useless person, and now he has been standing in front of them at ease. When they save enough troops to capture all Cao Yu, they will definitely wait until that day.

As long as they continue to persevere, all problems, the road on this road will be very smooth and unobstructed. With such confidence, what can Cao Yu be?

But it was just one of their future defeats. At this moment, Cao Yu sneezed heavily in a place not far away, not to mention how dark his face was.

With a congested face, he said: "Why do I feel like someone is talking about me behind my back? It doesn't matter, maybe excellent people will always suffer from everyone's eyes, I have long been accustomed to things like this. , I can only say, the person hiding behind..0"

"They can only say that they have been hiding behind their backs for the rest of their lives, and they have no chance of turning over at all, and what I'm telling you tonight means that I hope you can continue to cheer me up in the next time.

"Don't look at me suspending our battle now, but I really haven't suspended it in my heart. I still decided to wait for them for a while before we continue to set off immediately!"

If he doesn't come up with a result and come to the end, this ending will not be regarded as the ending. It can only be said that he has drawn a full stop for the hesitation he once had. It is definitely a very shameful thing, and Cao Yu will not have it. any hesitation.

3.7 That kind of indecision, he will never do it in his life, rather than making himself regret it, it is better to follow his heart and true thoughts at the first moment, and then solve all the problems.

This is what Liu Bei is like at this moment, he told the guy beside him without hesitation, "You just need to give me twelve points of spirit on the battlefield.

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