Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 98 Yanyun's 18 Horsemen, Lu Bu fled

Can you not look familiar?

While Lu Bu was hesitating, he saw a group of people attack from the side.

Not many, only nineteen.

But it was just these people that made everyone including Lu Bu excited, as if they were in an abyss!

"Lu Bu, we meet again!"

Li Cunxiao's face was full of contempt at this moment, and he urged the horse to pull out the big lance that was stuck on the ground, but Lu Bu subconsciously took two steps back.

How could he forget about this three-stroke nearly-his-life guy?

Besides the big man, what Zhang Liao and Hao Meng feared at the moment were the eighteen cavalry that followed him.

Eighteen ghost faces washed the Hulao Pass with blood, turning the pass into a Shura Field overnight.

Even after they fought for many years, they were horrified when they saw the tragic appearance.

Really, it's horrible!

They are here!

Of course, Cao Cao was also surprised, but his heart was relieved.

This must be an arrangement made by Yu'er in advance.

I'm a father, and I'm causing trouble for him again...

He sighed quietly, but Cao Cao's reaction was fast enough. He didn't want to expose Cao Yu, and at the moment only regarded Li Cunxiao and others as reinforcements from his side.

"General, why are you here?

"Fuck, thank you General for saving your life!"

Li Cunxiao was stunned for a moment, but immediately realized that although he didn't know it was appropriate to answer, he just nodded lightly.

Don't talk, it's always right?

Sure enough, the two of them sang together, but Zhang Liao was full of ears.

It turns out that this guy is not with Cao Cao!

After Li Cunxiao nodded, he was no longer as powerful as Cao Cao, and looked at Lu Bu jokingly, the big lance in his hand vibrated with a humming sound.

"How, Lu Bu, you are not convinced, do you want to fight again?"


Who is Lu Bu?

When he saw Li Cunxiao's subconscious movements just now, it was just a convulsion, not all fear.

What are you afraid of!

Laozi was number one in the world back then!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Bu was full of anger: "War is war!"

"Today, I must share a high and low with you!

When the words fell, Lu Bu urged the horse to come forward, the red rabbit horse galloped in response, and Fang Tianji leaped like a fierce tiger.


Strength is an irreversible flaw.

Even though Lu Bu was full of anger and fierceness this time, he was still no match for Li Cunxiao.

The first move, he didn't succeed, the second move was still empty, and Li Cunxiao's plastic rod swept across his chest, but he didn't implement it, but the cold wind alone swept him into a tight chest.

The third trick!

In fact, this time Lu Bu was a little suspicious.

Will it still be the same as last time?

With enough strength, he stepped forward again, and while the weapons of the two sides were intertwined, the third move collided and made a deafening sound!

However, this time the result was different from before.

The last time Lu Bu was only slightly injured, although the blood spurted from his mouth, he did not hurt the foundation.

Because at that time, it was Li Cunxiao who wanted to play a few more tricks with him, but it didn't work out.

Today, because he is concerned about Cao Cao's safety, how could Li Cunxiao show mercy?

So this time, three moves are correct, but Lu Bu is seriously injured!


With a mouthful of red spit, Lu Bu's whole body was shaky on the red rabbit horse.

He couldn't believe everything, because he could feel the pain between his ribs.

I'm afraid more than one is broken...

"Master Hou!"

In fact, Zhang Liao had long foreseen that there would be a defeat, but he did not want Lu Bu to suffer such a tragic defeat.

He immediately gave an order and led a group of soldiers to come forward to rescue.

Whether Li Cunxiao or Yanyun eighteen cavalry, who can let him be like this?

The two sides immediately fought.

After some confusion, Zhang Liao repeated his old tricks and asked Yu Hao Meng to take Lu Bu away together.

But this time, the price he paid was that all the soldiers he brought were slaughtered, and he himself was seriously wounded and became Li Cunxiao's prisoner.

Lu Bu, lost!

The winning side is naturally Cao Yu.

And he has a better nickname now, which was given by Liu Bowen, called the big accountant.

That's right!

After Cao Cao and others stopped chasing, Cao Yu was not idle all the time, Luo became his looted treasure and transported it back and forth.

He is so busy!

After all, the royal family is rich, and no one else can!

Just seeing these things in front of them has already surpassed the sum of the five families in Luoyang City.

Don't ask how Cao Yu knew how much money everyone else took, Jin Yiwei didn't eat dry rice.

"Too much.

This time, Cao Yu was also tired.

"Forget it, let's do it first."

"Wait for my father to come back. After we return to Luoyang, we will make plans."

"it is good.

・・Ask for flowers......

Liu Bowen also saw his exhaustion and hurriedly offered him a cup of tea.

"My lord, moisten your throat."

Cao Yu nodded slightly: "Bowen, it's good this time. With so much money, in the future my father will recruit troops and expand his power."5

"At least, it can be used for two years! Even longer!""

Liu Bowen nodded his head, a flash of light flashing in his old eyes.

Cao Yu's algorithm is actually very conservative, and it is also calculated using the most expensive formula, if it is based on the current daily expenses of Cao Jun.

The money is not a problem for five years!

The two of them were talking when Cao Cao came back.

"Feather! 35


When Cao Cao saw him, he laughed loudly: "This time, it's all thanks to you!

Cao Yu understood what he said and said two things.

First, he fulfilled his hero's name, and secondly, it should be Li Cunxiao's life-saving move.

But what is this?

Before Cao Yu could speak, the father was again attracted by the treasures stacked in the temporary camp.

my darling!

Imagine that the ground is full of gold and silver, and the white jade is like a mountain in front of you. What kind of experience is it?

"Yu'er, where did these come from?"

"Of course, the child asked for it from Dong Zhuo for his father. 35

Speaking, he gave Liu Bowen a wink, and immediately clarified that Liu Bowen would attack and kill Dong Zhuo's escort convoy.

Cao Cao was stunned!

He never imagined that Cao Yu would have such an arrangement!

"Yu'er, what are you doing with so much money?"

Cao Yu smiled: "Father, did the money originally belong to the imperial court?"

"It's just for the moment, baby.

"Of course."

Speaking of this, Cao Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Father, you are an official of the court, so you have the right to control these properties."5

"We Cao's family are not like Yuan Shao's four generations and three princes, all the family members are rich.

"In today's troubled times, my father wants to help the court and needs money and grain to recruit troops and horses.

"Our own strength is not good, so we have to accept the supplies from the court first!"

After speaking, Cao Yu's smile grew even stronger.

At this moment, Cao Cao admired him from the bottom of his heart.

In a few simple words, Cao Yu not only explained where the money came from, but also directly legalized it.

After all, it is also appropriate for the imperial court to allocate money to ministers, right?


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