Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 99 Dian Wei: On the Master's Order, Save Cai Yan and Diao Chan

"Yu'er, until now, being a father can only be understood."

"So you are doing this kind of plan! 35

Cao Yu smiled lightly, and he knew that his father would definitely understand.


"Our family's strength is not as good as Yuan Shao and the others, so we must accumulate money and food for development.

"The other thing is, the boy thinks that the pursuit of Dong Zhuo is almost done."

"Our army can stop for a while. 35

Having said that, Cao Yu nods his hand and asks Liu Bowen to unfold a map.

"Look, according to the current situation, Yuan Shao and the others are holding on to the Hulao Pass, blocking our way of withdrawing troops.

"So I can only live in Luoyang temporarily."

"Firstly, let's collect and count the troops, and secondly, it is also a child who has to wait for one person."


Cao Cao's heart moved, and he secretly thought that this Yu'er might have some arrangements that he didn't know about.

Since it is like "two eight seven", then wait!

He nodded.

"Just do as my son said, is there anything else?" Cao Cao asked.

With a faint smile, Cao Yu also pointed at Luoyang City Road: "Although our army wants to live here temporarily, this is not a permanent place.

"As for when to exercise and how to exercise..."

"It would be better for fathers to offer advice from their children.

Do you still use him to say this?

Cao Cao nodded at that time.

"Good to say."

"Thank you father."

With a faint smile, Cao Yu told others to serve tea and wine, and he wanted to talk with his father here today.

Cao Yu's father and son talked, but at the border of Chang'an halfway, Dian Wei did not have such leisure time, he was leading his troops to fight against the Huns!

And it's time for indulgence!

The Evil God of Dian Weiben, let alone facing these foreign enemies?

Just as Cao Yu said, Dianwei's double halberds are better at foot combat. At this moment, no matter how many people or horses stand in front of him, as long as they stand in front of his pair of iron swords, they will be divided into several sections!

"a ha ha ha!

The smell of blood makes Dian Wei extremely excited!

"Come on, come on! Let Laozi kill him!"

His ferocity, coupled with the ruthlessness of the Xuanjia army, the Huns have been beaten by them at this moment, wishing that a heavenly horse would fly down and take them out of the hell on earth.

Big man, when did such terrifying soldiers and horses appear?


When Dian Wei pulled his hand away, there were already corpses everywhere.

The stumps and arms, the still panting warhorses, and the Xiongnu soldiers who cried and wailed without dying, the scene was like the land of Shura.

But all this, in Dian Wei's eyes, seems to be not enough.

"General!" 9

At this moment, a Xuanjia army stepped forward and reported: "All the Xiongnu soldiers and horses are here, totaling more than 3,700 people. 99

"How many are still alive?" asked Dian Weisensen.

The sergeant paused and made a detailed report: "According to the calculation of the mark, there are more than 800 people who are still breathing on the battlefield."

"Kill all of them. Leave no one behind, cut off his head, lest he die!

Dian Wei said, got on his horse, and said to the other sergeants: "Wait, follow us and find someone..."

How dare he forget Cao Yu's order?

This time not only to kill the enemy, but also to find talent.

Looking for the search, Dian Wei spent a lot of time, and finally found the person he was looking for in a forest.

The information, of course, was given to him by Jin Yiwei before.

And at this moment, that group of people are being entangled by hundreds of scouts who have infiltrated the Huns!

How to ignore them!

Seeing this, Dian Wei's eyes became bloodshot.

Foot combat is his specialty, Ma Zhan Dianwei is not weaker than others, with a pair of iron halberds flying like a fly, cutting off seven or eight people's heads in the blink of an eye.

But when the group of Huns scouts reacted, they were already dead.

Dian Wei is fierce, and the Xuanjia army is not for nothing, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, who can escape!

Such a brave general!

A good soldier!

As Dian Wei and the others killed all the scouts, the people who were entangled also revealed their true colors, not Cai Yan and Diao Chan, but who?

The two women were originally protected by the soldiers of Wang Yunfu, but they did not expect to encounter the harassment of a small group of Xiongnu scouts on the way. At first, they thought that those soldiers would be able to stop them.

However, the Xiongnu scouts were good at riding and archery, and they attacked in three waves in the distance, near and far. In the end, the soldiers of the government could not resist, and they were all defeated. In the end, only seven or eight people were left, protecting them to survive.

At this time, this car has become the last fortress.

But how long can seven or eight people hold on? If it weren't for the imminent arrival, the second daughter would have made the final preparations.

I'd rather die than be taken away by it!

Of course, it was precisely because of the bravery of the Huns that they felt shocked when they saw Dian Wei murdered.

Wang Yun's soldiers are also warriors refined by the court!

"Listen to the people inside, is there a young lady named Cai Yan?" Dian Wei asked in blood after killing people.

Reckless state, no two for a while.

It is fortunate that Cai Yan is a brave and courageous daughter, and Diao Chan is also a woman.

"This general, the little girl is Cai Yan."

Having said that, Cai Yan appeared and Dong Zhuo's relocation of the capital, for them, was tantamount to fleeing for their lives and exile, but even so, the smoke and dust still could not hide Cai Yan's stunning beauty.

But, it doesn't matter to Dian Wei!

He doesn't eat this!

Seeing someone admit it, Dian Wei breathed a sigh of relief, his mission was to find someone and that's all!

Now that he has found it, he is naturally very happy.

"That's great!"

"Miss Cai Yan, under Dianwei, please come with us."

He is really reckless, and he will take people away just by reporting his name.

Cai Yan smiled lightly. Although he was reckless, Cai Yan was not afraid of him, because up to this moment, Dian Wei had always been polite.

The sourness of warriors and literati is different, they are more direct.

Cai Yan smiled lightly and bowed his body to salute: "This general, thank you for your life-saving grace.

"It's just... I'm afraid I can't wait with you. 99

"What?" Dian Wei was stunned at the time, and hurriedly said: "This is impossible!

"My son is so strict! Miss, don't make it difficult for us! 35

Dian Wei's voice was rough, but at this moment, it sounded a bit grieved and difficult to do, which made Cai Yan smile.

"Don't be like this, General, it's fine if you want us to go with you, please tell the little girl who it is, and let the General come."5


Dian Wei was confused.

Cao Yu told him that 2.7 could not be named. Of course, he also guessed that Cai Yan would definitely ask, so he thought of an argument for him, but Dian Wei couldn't remember it.

After a pause, fortunately Dian Wei suddenly realized, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Miss, it is inconvenient to disclose the name of my son.

"But he is an old friend of the young lady! I hope you, miss... just come with me!"

Dian Wei was really in a hurry, and when Cai Yan saw what he said, he had nothing to say.

After all, they really saved them, and they didn't know what would happen when they went to Chang'an.

Turning around, she and Diaochan looked at each other, and the two finally reached an agreement.

go with him!


Seeing that they agreed, Dian Wei was also relieved, and he laughed happily!

"Come on, pack up your things quickly, and invite the two young ladies to go with you.

"Listen to us, whoever dares to take a step forward and want his head!"

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