Putting down the thoughts in his heart and watching everyone’s eyes focus on him, Dong Zhuo, who had already made a decision, replied indifferently:

“Shuying and Boyo, you two have disappointed Benxiang a little in recent years!”

“From today onwards, you two will go back to the house for the time being and meditate on March!”

“After March, come back and see the real picture.”

As soon as these words came out, the generals were dumbfounded!

Especially Dong Min and Dong Huang.

It’s not that they didn’t think that their brother (uncle) would insist on rectifying the army, and their words of opposition would also make the brother (uncle) quite dissatisfied and punish them.

But they really didn’t expect how cruel the punishment would be.

Go back to the house to meditate on March?

Isn’t this equivalent to revoking them from all their rights and putting them under house arrest for a period of time?



Without waiting for the two to speak, Dong Zhuo waved his hand slightly, and a few guards left with the two of them!

On the side, Hu Yi swallowed his saliva, and his heart wanted to cry without tears.


Stand in the wrong line!

“Li Helmet, you personally led an army of 100,000 to surround the entire camp, and if there is a shout of death in the camp, you will lead the army to suppress the rebels.”

“The end will obey the order.”

“The rest of you, follow Ben Xiang into the battalion and raise the generals!”


Dong Zhuo did not immediately pursue Hu Yi.

Unlike Dong Min and Dong Huang, he is not too late to hold him accountable after the rectification is completed.

An army of 20,000 followed Dong Zhuo into the camp.

Many Xiliang soldiers in the camp stopped and watched.

It was discovered that the leader was their lord Dong Zhuo.

One by one, they also hurriedly saluted.

“Meet the Lord.”

“Meet the Lord.”

Ignoring the salute of these Western Liang soldiers, Dong Zhuo led an army of 20,000 to the point of general.

When he arrived at the Dian Jiang Tai, Dong Zhuo immediately ordered Zhang Ji to beat the drum and gather troops.

“Zhang Ji, immediately beat the drum and gather soldiers.”

“And pass the order down, those who have not arrived in half a moment, immediately beheaded!”

“Those who are not fully equipped with weapons and equipment, immediately beheaded!”


Listening to Dong Zhuo’s order, Zhang Ji’s heart jumped.

This is the beginning of the rectification!

The Lord really returned to the time when he was in the first place.

Secretly sighing, Zhang Ji hurriedly beat the drum and gathered the troops.

and arranged for the guards to give Dong Zhuo’s order.

For a time, in the camp of the Western Liang Army, there was a rather regular drumming.

This is the drum beat that rallied the whole army in the barracks.

Most of the soldiers of Xiliang who heard this came quickly.

In addition, Zhang Ji’s guards also roamed the barracks, conveying Dong Zhuo’s military orders.

“Lord Sangkoku has an order, and those who have not arrived at the drumming for half an hour will be cut immediately; Those who are not well equipped will be killed immediately! ”

“Lord Sangkoku has an order, and those who have not arrived at the drumming for half an hour will be cut immediately; Those who are not well equipped will be killed immediately! ”


The sound of drums and heralds rises and falls.

The Xiliang sergeants in the barracks hurriedly put on weapons and equipment, and rushed to the point to assemble.

On the platform, as time passed, more and more Western Liang soldiers came to assemble.

They find their boss, the chief, the chief, and the chief, and then find their superior


On this basis, find where your team is and stand in a military formation.

And the generals of the Western Liang Army who came to the Dian General Platform gathered all looked at the 20,000 black armored troops behind the Dian Jiang Tai.

Looking at the terrifying momentum, they were secretly frightened.

They also discussed in a whisper.

“Hey brother, what do you say the Lord is doing in the barracks today?”

“Who knows! Maybe it’s going to be a war again! ”

“I think it should be, that Ma Teng and Han Sui have been tossing for so long, the lord may personally lead us to clean up Ma Teng Han Sui!”

“But I heard that Ma Teng and Han Sui’s soldiers and horses each have one block of ten, let’s not send them to death?”

“Let’s see it later! What if it’s not? ”

“In other words, why haven’t you seen the group of black armored troops behind the lord! It looks so raw. ”

“Agree, with our demeanor back then.”

“Speaking of which, is the Lord really going to kill those brothers who are late in a while? But I see that many brothers have not yet come! ”

“Don’t say it! Listen, the Lord has spoken! ”


The Xiliang soldiers in the audience talked a lot, talking one after another.

Completely forget about the existence of discipline.

And they formed one army formation after another, in Dong Zhuo’s eyes, these military formations looked so crooked, if it were not for the distance between the various military formations, Dong Zhuo really couldn’t see that this was a military formation.

In this regard, Dong Zhuo secretly suppressed the anger in his heart and indifferently calculated the time.

Soon, half a quarter of an hour arrived!

Looking at the still endless stream of Western Liang soldiers running to gather, Dong Zhuo did not hesitate and directly ordered!

“Come, arrest all the soldiers who have not returned at this moment, if there is any resistance, there is no amnesty for killing!”


The 20,000 black-armored troops answered in unison.

They quickly dispatched to various key roads in the camp to guard them.

Those Western Liang soldiers who arrived late were all taken down by them.

And those who resisted were even more mercilessly beheaded by them.

For a while, a smell of blood spread through the barracks.

The Western Liang soldiers who witnessed such a scene were all stunned.

They couldn’t believe that the Lord was actually playing for real.

It’s really killing the disobedient Western Liang soldiers!

Under such a shock, the Western Liang soldiers who had returned stopped talking, and the late Western Liang soldiers were also detained obediently and did not dare to resist.


A black-armored general came to Dong Zhuo to report the situation.

“Lord Qiyu, the late sergeants have all been taken.”

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo bowed his head slightly, and looked at the large group of late Western Liang soldiers on the side.

At a cursory glance, there seem to be three or five thousand people.

In this regard, Dong Zhuo did not hesitate and indifferently gave the order.

“Disobey the military order, behead!”


The next moment, the sound of blades piercing into flesh and blood, and the sound of Western Liang soldiers begging for mercy, sounded in the barracks.

“Spare your life! The last general will no longer dare to disobey the military order! ”

“The Lord spares his life…”

After two minutes, the sound was gone!

The thick smell of blood poured into the noses of many Western Liang soldiers.

At this moment, there were both fearful and dissatisfied, and they all looked at their lord Dong Zhuo.

See what he does next.


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