Meeting the gaze of nearly 100,000 Western Liang soldiers, Dong Zhuo said in a deep voice

“The army has always been rewarded for meritorious service, and punishment must be punished if it has passed!”

“Those soldiers of Fangcai, although I wait for the robe, but if they do not obey the military order, they will die!”

“And from this day forward, the Prime Minister commands that you will not plunder the people and oppress them again, and if you violate the order, you will not be spared immediately!”

Hearing this, a group of Western Liang soldiers stirred.

You know, since they followed Dong Zhuo into Luoyang, they have plundered countless times!

And they have benefited from it innumerably.

For example, slaughtering a village can not only rob them of money and food, but also taste the taste of women and release their animal desires.

And after the incident, they can also cut off the heads of those villagers and return to the camp as trophies to receive their belongings.

And these are things they almost never get when they don’t plunder.

So for the looting, they have long been deeply trapped in it.

And now their own lord actually wants them not to rob!

Isn’t this cutting off their financial path and letting them return to the previous miserable days when they didn’t have enough to eat, no money to take, and no women to sleep?

However, due to Dong Zhuo’s majesty in the past, they did not dare to make a move at this moment.

Seeing that although the Western Liang soldiers were a little commotion, they did not directly mutiny, Dong Zhuo struck while the iron was hot and continued:

“Of course, Benxiang also knows that it is not okay to let you plunder and let them return to the bitter life they used to have.”

“The Prime Minister promises that from now on, all the soldiers under my Dong Zhuo will be full and have meat to eat every day.”

“In addition, the Prime Minister will distribute military salaries to you, and according to your official rank in the barracks, different amounts of military salaries will be paid every month.”

Hearing this, all the Western Liang soldiers were in an uproar.

“What? Eat a full meal? And meat? The Lord won’t be deceiving us, right? ”

“Bah! What do you kid understand? When did the Lord deceive us? ”

“That’s right, following the Lord for so many years, the Lord has never deceived us once, but this meal will make us full, and there is meat in every meal, which is really a little hard to believe.”

“If the Lord really lets you eat every meal, and you have meat, you are willing to obey the military order!”

“In the same way, if you really want such treatment, you would rather not rob! After all, those villagers are all poorer than us, and they can’t grab anything! ”

“Don’t just talk about eating! Do any of you know what a “military salary” is? Is it food? ”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it! Do you want to ask the Lord? ”


The Western Liang soldiers were talking about it, and they were full of excitement for Dong Zhuo’s promise.

After all, they joined the army so that they would not starve to death and have a bite to eat.

Now the lord promises to let them eat all the time, and they still have meat every day, which is completely a fairy day, okay.

I’m afraid that even the life of those landlords is just that!

And then again, under the successive natural and man-made disasters, those people have long been poor!

Now they go out to loot, and they can hardly grab anything!

If they can really eat, they will be too lazy to go out and plunder!

However, they were also full of curiosity about the monthly “military salary” promised by the lord’s second promise.

Because they don’t know what this “military salary” really is?

Listening to the discussion of the soldiers, Dong Zhuo on the stage remembered.

The term “military salary” came from the Ming Dynasty, and there was no such term during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Dong Zhuo quickly explained to the group of Western Liang soldiers.

“Military salary, which means “俸禄”, that is, the prime minister decided to give you all a monthly salary, even if you are just a small soldier, you can still get Yulu! ”

Listening to Dong Zhuo’s explanation, the Western Liang soldiers were stunned!

The lord wants to give them these big-headed soldiers?

It wouldn’t be a joke, would it?

You must know that only soldiers with official positions can have it.

A big-headed soldier, there is no talk of Yulu at all.

And now, their own master actually wants these big soldiers to give out their money, and they also pay it every month, which is simply a fantasy!

After being stunned, a Western Liang soldier in the army formation couldn’t help but ask.

“Master, is what you said true? Do you really want to give salaries to these big-headed soldiers who do not have official positions every month? ”

The words of this Western Liang soldier represent the voice of many Western Liang soldiers.

They all stared at Dong Zhuo nervously, hoping to get an accurate answer.

You know, they don’t have a way to become soldiers.

Unless the position is promoted, otherwise a big-headed soldier will not have a good fortune.

And they came to serve as soldiers, in addition to having no money to take, they could not eat enough.

When there is no war, at most, let them eat five cents full.

When you go to war, you are seven points full.

Only when it is a death camp can you really eat.

“That’s right, Ben Xiang decided to give you a salary starting this month, with a minimum of five hundred dollars a month!”

Dong Zhuo’s affirmative answer was like a stone breaking through the sky, shocking the group of Western Liang soldiers speechless.

“Come, carry things up.”

Seeing that the Xiliang soldiers were shocked and speechless.

Dong Zhuo immediately waved his hand and ordered the guards to move the prepared money out.

This was prepared before he came.

For this moment.

Dong Zhuo’s words fell, and more than a dozen guards suddenly carried seven or eight large mahogany boxes onto the Dian Jiang platform.

Under Dong Zhuo’s signal, all the boxes were opened, revealing countless five-baht coins.

The Western Liang soldiers who were staring at this scene immediately became hot.

And Dong Zhuo, who was always observing the expressions of the Western Liang soldiers, also took the opportunity to say:

“Now, those who are willing to obey the military order of this minister can come forward to receive this month’s military salary.”

“A soldier without an official position receives five hundred dollars;”

“Six hundred dollars for the post of commander;”

“Shi Chang receives seven hundred dollars;”

“Eight hundred cents;”

“A thousand bucks of Duber;”


As Dong Zhuo’s words fell, the Western Liang soldiers could no longer bear it!

Qi brushed down and looked at Dong Zhuo with a respectful face.

“We obey the Lord’s command.”

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo nodded in satisfaction.

“Very good, now Er Wait and start lining up to receive military salaries, remember, no pushing.”

Say it!

Dong Zhuo also ordered the guards to start distributing military salaries.


I’m going to plant seedlings today! After planting for a day, it is still not finished, and it is estimated that it will be planted for about three days, so the update will be reduced, and the update time will also be until the evening, please understand

Finally, ask for a wave of flower evaluation votes

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