Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1217: This is specially bought for you by Daddy

   "Children are eating." After feeding the two babies, Shen Ning worked hard for a while before starting to eat.

   "Here we come." The three little guys hurriedly washed their hands, and ran over and climbed onto the table after washing.

  Aunt Dong began to serve the dishes one by one.

   "Strange, why hasn't Daddy come back yet?" Coco looked towards the front door with her little head.

   "I'll call him." Xiaoxiao immediately called the watch.

   After a while, the call was connected.

   "Daddy, why haven't you come back yet? We're about to eat."

  At this moment, Li Zhenting came out with big and small bags of food.

   These little **** bought so many snacks, it took him a lot of time to find them one by one.

   "It's coming soon, wait for me."

   Li Zhenting got into the car, and the car drove out quickly.

   "Aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat?" Shen Ning came out after busy work and saw the children all with their hands on the table, sitting upright but not eating, he couldn't help being surprised.

  The three little ones just shook their heads: "I'll eat later."

   "Why? Is it because it's not delicious?" Shen Ning was very surprised.

   "No, it's delicious."

  The little ones looked at a large table full of food, which was their favorite food, and their mouths were almost drooling, but they had to wait for Daddy to come back to eat together, otherwise they couldn't call it a reunion dinner.

   "If it tastes good, eat it quickly, otherwise, it won't taste good when the dish gets cold." Shen Ning smiled and told them to eat quickly.

   "Okay." The three little ones agreed, but still did not move their chopsticks, and looked outside eagerly.

  Shen Ning looked strange and was about to ask a question, when Li Wanqing came over with a smile and hugged the baby, and the special guard who followed also hugged one.

   "Call Mommy." Li Wanqing teased with a smile.

  Shen Ning immediately turned around and picked up the child.

   is the little brother.

This little guy is very energetic, looking around with a pair of black round eyes. As soon as Shen Ning picked him up, he looked at Shen Ning, squeaking non-stop, and he didn't know what he was saying. something.

  Shen Ning laughed happily.

   Seeing this, the three little guys also came over to play with the little guys, and forgot to eat for a while.

   Until the sound of a car's engine came from outside.

  The three little guys hurried back to the dining table and sat down.

  Daddy is finally back! They can have a good meal now, and they don't have to tease their silly siblings who only know how to babble anymore.

  At this time, footsteps sounded.

  Everyone looked up.

  The handsome and handsome man strode in, holding a large bag of things in one hand, and a large bouquet of fresh roses in the other, looking radiant.

   "Hi, Daddy." The three little ones said with a smile, their eyes fixed on the bag of snacks in their left hand, and then they swarmed up to take the bag from him, opened it and shared the food on the spot.

   "Ning Ning, here it is for you." Li Zhenting came over and delivered the flowers in front of her, with a sincere expression on his face, and the special guard at the side immediately hugged the child from Shen Ning's hands.

  Looking at the reunion of the family, Li Wanqing secretly winked at Aunt Dong, and retreated with the baby in her arms.

   Only Shen Ning, Li Zhenting and three brats who were sharing snacks were left in the living room.

  Shen Ning looked at the rose, which was so delicate and fragrant, but he didn't reach out to take it, not knowing what Li Zhenting was going to do.

   Today she is cooking for the children, not for him, so why does he buy roses?

   "Ning Ning, the children are watching, please take it." Li Zhenting took a step forward, his pleasant voice was low and rich.

  As soon as Shen Ning raised his eyes, he saw three little guys looking at them with a big bag of food each.

   "Mummy, Daddy's roses are so beautiful, take them quickly."

   "Mum, this is specially bought for you by Daddy, take it quickly."

   "Mommy, take it quickly, we are starving to death."

  In the end, Ke Ke said that she was starving to death, which made Shen Ning wake up, and reached out to take the rose.

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