"Thank you." She reluctantly said thank you.

  I promised him last night that if he could let the Zhu Group go, she would improve her relationship with him and get along in harmony in front of the children on the surface.

  Now he has indeed let the Zhu Group go.

  She has no reason to blindly reject him.

   "Yeah, Daddy and Mommy are great!" The third child saw Shen Ning accepting the flowers, thinking that they had a good relationship, very happy, and gave them a thumbs up.

   Shen Ning glared at them angrily: "Put away the snacks and eat first."

  Ding Ding looked at the tempting chocolate, and his mouth was about to salivate. He was about to tear off the package. After hearing Shen Ning's order, he had to put the snacks aside.

   "Remember, you can't just buy snacks for the children in the future. It's not good for them to eat too much." Shen Ning taught Li Zhenting a sullen face.

   "Okay, okay, I see." Li Zhenting immediately agreed with a smile on his face, how dare he explain anything, as long as she is happy.

   "Daddy, Mommy, let's eat quickly." The three little ones couldn't eat any snacks, so they aimed their eyes at the food on the table, and surrounded the table with cheers.

   "Okay, eat quickly." Shen Ning smiled and sat down.

   Li Zhenting immediately sat down next to her, picked up chopsticks, picked up a rib for her and put it in her bowl: "Ningning, you've worked hard, eat quickly."

  Shen Ning was petite, and Li Zhenting was tall and tall. When he sat next to her, it seemed that half of the country surrounded her.

  She immediately felt uncomfortable, and was about to move the chair, but unexpectedly, Li Zhenting stretched out a hand and landed on her waist, rubbing it lightly.

  The man's warm palm temperature was instantly transmitted to her body, giving her a tingling numbness.

  She stretched out her hand to break the salty pig's hand.

   "Xiao Xiao, quickly bring your mommy a glass of water, she's a little thirsty." Li Zhenting suddenly said to Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao's eyes immediately looked this way.

   Shen Ning had to stop the hand that originally wanted to push him away fiercely, and he had to be kind on the surface, but in his heart he wanted to beat Li Zhenting out.

   Finally finished a meal.

  Shen Ning felt that Li Zhenting didn't come to eat at all, but came to take advantage of her, and she happened to be in front of the children, so she couldn't resist too much.

  After eating a meal, Shen Ning felt like he was on fire.

   "Mum, we want to go out to play, can you and Daddy take us to play together?" When the meal was almost finished, Ke Ke begged Shen Ning with her small face raised.

"That's right, Mommy, we haven't gone out to play for a long time. Others have daddy and mommy to take them to play. We are so pitiful. We have never gone out to play together." Ding Ding also pursed his mouth and acted like a baby. , she ran to Shen Ning and took her hand, her face full of longing.

Not to be outdone, Xiaoxiao said, "Mommy, when I was young, my brother and I stayed at home every winter and summer vacation. Others had daddy to accompany us, but we didn't. At that time, we really hoped that daddy would accompany us to go out and play together. Now I found Daddy, but Daddy never went out to play with us, shall we go out together too?"

  The three little fellows begged Shen Ning together.

  Shen Ning couldn't react for a while, the three little ones were just going crazy, they came out all of a sudden, which made her at a loss.

  Li Zhenting winked at the three little ones, and all the three little ones ran into Shen Ning's arms, shaking their hands and thumping their backs, all of them begging: "Mummy, just promise once, okay?"

   "Okay." Shen Ning couldn't bear it and had to reluctantly agree, "It's just that the little brothers and sisters are still young, they can't go out, Mommy has to feed them."

   "It's okay, I'll be back in the evening." Li Zhenting answered beside him.

   "Then where do you want to go?" Shen Ning couldn't think of where to take them to play, a little at a loss.

  At this time, Ding Ding happily said: "We are going to go out to sea on Daddy's cruise ship."

   "..." Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

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