"Li Zhenting, the children are all asleep, hurry up, don't disturb their sleep." In the bedroom, the three little ones were already in a deep sleep, their innocent little faces blushed, and their delicate facial features were cute and cute.

  Coco was next to Ding Ding, and the two fell asleep side by side. Xiaoxiao slept sideways beside Coco, with her short legs on Coco's lap.

  The three little guys have already taken up two-thirds of the bed.

   There is indeed no place for Li Zhenting here.

  But Li Zhenting was determined to stay, looking left and right, still looking for a chance to stay.

  Shen Ning bent over to go to bed, put her little short legs off Ke Ke's body, and put the children in a sleeping position.

  When she moved, her pajamas were lifted up slightly from time to time, revealing the tender skin inside.

   Li Zhenting stood beside him, distracted.

   After a while, Shen Ning stepped back with his **** up, his white and tender feet swaying, and his skin under the sleeping veil was like snow.

   Li Zhenting felt like his body was on fire.

  He swallowed his saliva, and before Shen Ning got out of bed, he pulled Shen Ning into his arms with his big hand, and grabbed Shen Ning's little feet with his big hand.

   "Ah." Shen Ning was taken aback and screamed out loud. When he realized that Li Zhenting was sexing himself, he shouted sharply: "Li Zhenting, do you want to die?"

  She was very loud and stern.

  Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping next to her, was frightened and woke up in an instant, jumped down, pursed her mouth, and cried out loudly.

  As soon as she cried, Ke Ke and Ding Ding's little faces wrinkled, and they were about to wake up.

   Li Zhenting was taken aback, he didn't expect Shen Ning to be so serious, with such a loud voice, he panicked all of a sudden.

Taking advantage of the moment when he lost his mind, Shen Ning crawled out of his arms, picked up the pillow and beat him, saying while beating: "Li Zhenting, do you want to wake up all the children? Let them see you Such virtue."

   Li Zhenting from Shanshan.

  Shen Ning's attitude of resolutely resisting him made him feel annoyed and at a loss. Of course, he didn't want to wake up the children, so he walked away in a desperate manner.

   "Crazy." Seeing Li Zhenting who finally left, Shen Ning was relieved.

  She comforted Xiaoxiao and lay on the bed, thinking of what Aunt Dong had said in her mind:

Ning Ning, after all, Boss Li is a man and the richest man in the imperial capital. I don’t know how many women want to climb into his bed every day. He can flatter you in such a low voice and want to save you. Give him a chance, and he will be in trouble if he is really seduced by another woman.

  Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s just you, but now he is the father of your five children, you don’t need him, but the children need a father.

   Sometimes enough is enough, but don't overdo it! Push him further and further away.

   Shen Ning was upset, turned over, and the childish faces of the children appeared in front of his eyes.

  She stared blankly at the faces of the children.

   the next day.

Waking up early in the morning, she walked to the living room after breastfeeding the children, and saw Li Zhenting sitting at the head seat in the dining room, with a handsome face with sharp edges and corners, and the breath of forbidden bathing all over her body, she looked refined and refined .

  It was hard for her to imagine how he pestered her for **** last night. Pursing her lower lip, her eyes deepened.

  Last night, how did he solve it?

   Ah bah, I'm so useless! She scolded herself, what does this have to do with her! She was actually worried about him!

   "Ning Ning, Aunt Dong has already made breakfast." As soon as Shen Ning came over, he put down the phone in his hand, and looked at her with gentle and affectionate eyes.

  Shen Ning ignored him and just sat down opposite him.

   "Brown sugar glutinous rice porridge, bird's nest, drink more, so that there will be more milk." Li Zhenting regarded himself as the master of the family, and ordered Shen Ning to have breakfast.

   "No, I've gained more than ten catties." Shen Ning didn't want to eat more, and he was getting fatter and fatter during this time.

   "What are you afraid of? I don't dislike you. I like you to be fat." Li Zhenting smiled.

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