"Ning Ning, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should call you." Shen Ning's complaints, worries, concerns and concern for him made Zhu Qixiong feel warm all of a sudden, no one has ever cared so much when he grew up Shen Ning was the first one to pass him, he was really touched, hugged her tightly, and apologized repeatedly.

   After a while, Shen Ning's mood stabilized, and he grabbed Zhu Qixiong's hand and looked him up and down.

  Look at this

   Can't help but make her tremble again.

  Is this still the suave young master Zhu from before?

Although he was still wearing the original suit at this time, the suit was wrinkled, and the leather shoes under his feet were not as shiny as before, and this was not counted. What surprised Shen Ning the most was that his face was obviously thinner. , the eye sockets are also sunken, and the two eyes look even bigger. Although the beard has been trimmed, it looks uneven no matter how you look at it. .

"Come, sit here." Shen Ning pulled Zhu Qixiong to sit on the sofa, and asked with a serious face: "Qixiong, what happened to you? If you still treat me as your friend, then please Tell me the truth, otherwise, I will be angry."

Zhu Qixiong bowed his head and was silent for a while, then said: "Ning Ning, I came here today to see you, I miss you every day these days, I want to see you so much, and secondly, I want you to help me, I It's just too difficult right now."

   After finishing speaking, he whispered what happened recently.

   "As expected, Xu Xiangzhi is too vicious, and Zhu Dongjin is too confused." Shen Ning was very angry when he heard it, and cursed bitterly.

   "Yes, so, she is interested in Wu Xueying's family's money, and she won't let me go easily. These days, in order to avoid being found by them, I hide at home every day." Zhu Qixiong said painfully and angrily.

  In fact, penniless, he sleeps in a bridge hole every day, afraid to go out, fearing that someone sent by Zhu Dongjin and his wife will catch him and force him to get engaged to Wu Xueying.

  He will never obey.

   "Ning Ning, I'm sorry, it was really hard for me to come here to find you." Zhu Qixiong finally lowered his head.

   Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to come to find Shen Ning, how could he come to find the woman he loves with his self-esteem as a man.

   "I know, don't worry about it, I was just thinking about helping you." Shen Ning immediately comforted him, "Well, let me inquire, and help you redeem the villa first..."

"No, no need." Zhu Qixiong shook his head hastily, the villa was too much money, too expensive, how could he let Shen Ning go bankrupt to help him, he didn't need it, and he would never want it, "You just need to give it to me A job that doesn't need to show my face outside will be fine, I need to support myself, and then slowly start a business after a while."

  Shen Ning looked at him in surprise, is this still the man who treats money like dung and is arrogant? Now I just want to have a job to support myself.

  The world is vicissitudes, no one knows what will happen in the next second of life, when the hero is always in trouble, how can she just look at him and ignore him.

  However, the job he wants is obviously not suitable for Gu Qi, and he can't work in her company, that would hurt his self-esteem too much.

"Qixiong, when you helped me escape before, I thought that I must pay you. At that time, all I ate and used was yours. Therefore, I want to pay you back some money, and now I just give it to you." Shen Ning smiled and said.

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