"I will go back by myself, I don't need you to take this opportunity to hijack me." Shen Ning was so angry.

   Li Zhenting's face darkened, and he stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.

   Shen Ning was worried about causing his nervousness, so he sat quietly.

  Shaw Villa.

  As soon as Li Zhenting parked the car, Shen Ning opened the door and walked outside.

  Looking at her anxious steps, Li Zhenting snorted coldly.

  Hmph, going home in such a hurry must be because Zhu Qixiong was waiting for her at home.

  When he thought that there was still a man blatantly hiding in the house, he felt very uncomfortable, so he chased after her three times and put his arms around her waist.

   "What are you going to do?" Shen Ning was startled, and went to break his hand.

   "The babies are still at home waiting to drink milk, go in quickly." Li Zhenting put his arms around her waist and walked forward, not allowing her to struggle at all.

  In the end, Shen Ning couldn't resist, so he had no choice but to be hugged in by him.

   In the living room.

"Uncle Zhu, tell us a story about the big bad wolf." On the sofa, the three little ones were chattering around Zhu Qixiong, the atmosphere was very harmonious, even Li Zhenting walked in with his arms around Shen Ning's waist See.

   Li Zhenting's face turned dark.

  The relationship between the children and Zhu Qixiong was very good, but he felt uncomfortable again.

   "Okay, drink some water first and I'll talk." Zhu Qixiong smiled.

   "Let's drink." The little guys immediately picked up the water glasses in front of them and took a sip of water obediently.

   "Great." Zhu Qixiong gave them a thumbs up, cleared his voice and prepared to speak, "Once upon a time there was a big bad wolf..."

   "Cough, cough." Li Zhenting's tall figure stood stiffly in the living room and coughed a few times on purpose, his face was as dark and hard as the black sofa.

  My children are so close to Zhu Qixiong, even closer than his own father, and his chest is particularly stuffy and uncomfortable.

"Daddy, Mommy, you are back." The three little ones finally heard the voice, but they just looked up at Shen Ning and Li Zhenting, greeted them with smiles, and then started playing with Zhu Qixiong again. He ran toward them cheering as usual.

  Shen Ning smiled straight, very satisfied that the children and Zhu Qixiong got along so well.

   "Ning Ning, President Li, you are back." At this time Zhu Qixiong also saw them, and greeted them politely, his soft eyes fell on Shen Ning, bright and soft.

   Li Zhenting's face was as dark as a pot.

   "Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, have you finished your homework?" He asked with a straight face.

Operation? The three little ones are dumbfounded, you look at me, I look at you.

   "Take it here and let me check it." Li Zhenting persisted.

  Hey, why did Daddy still have to check his homework today, they didn't do it at all!

This is how to do?

   They turned their eyes to Mommy for help!

"It's so late, what homework do you still need to check? You don't need to check it anymore, you have fun." Of course, Shen Ning knew what Li Zhenting was thinking. This was obviously dissatisfied with the children playing with Zhu Qixiong. How could he really check what homework? Yes, and immediately opened his mouth to answer.

   "Okay, Mommy." The three little ones cheered.

  Shen Ning pushed away the salty pig's hand that Li Zhenting had landed on her waist, and said, "You go to see the baby first and then go home. My temple is too small to accommodate a **** like you."

   After finishing speaking, he pushed him again and walked towards the bedroom.

  Li Zhenting's eyes shone coldly.

  This **** woman dared to push him, and refuted his face in front of the children, it's disgusting.

  He snorted coldly, gave Zhu Qixiong a very unfriendly look, followed Shen Ning and walked into the bedroom.

  The two babies are doing well under intensive care.

  Shen Ning played with the baby for a while, then looked at Li Zhenting: "Can you go? I'm going to feed the babies."

   "You just feed like this, I want to accompany the babies." Li Zhenting didn't intend to leave at all, his eyes darkened, and he ordered in a cold voice.

  Shen Ning didn't want to give him face, so he walked over directly and stretched out his hand to push him.

   Li Zhenting wasn't on guard and was pushed back out by her.

  Shen Ning closed the door smoothly.

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