Shen Ning first sent a WeChat message to Li Zhenting to ask about the situation of Mr. Li's operation, but there was no reply.

   Must be busy!

  She thought for a while, and finally dialed Li Zhenting's cell phone.

   "It's me." After a while, the phone answered, and she hesitated for a while before speaking.

"Ning Ning, is it you?" Hearing Shen Ning's voice by accident, Li Zhenting was very pleasantly surprised, but even more distressed, after all, she is the mother of his five children, so staying up late at night is not good for his health, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

  His voice is gentle.

"The babies are awake. I'll get up and feed them. By the way, I'll make a phone call to ask how grandpa's illness is. Did you have an operation? How did the operation go? Was it a success?" She said in a light tone, expressing herself She didn't wake up on purpose to make a phone call. Afterwards, she was all asking about Mr. Hou Li's condition, which showed that she really cared about Li Jichun's health.

   Li Zhenting naturally understood what she meant.

  But he is still happy that she can care about grandpa's illness.

   "I just came out of the operating room and had an operation for more than four hours. The operation was successful. Don't worry, he should be able to survive this."

   "That's good. If he wakes up, please say hello to the old man for me."

   Li Zhenting hesitated for a while, and said:

   "Ningning, Grandpa hopes that you can come to see him in person tomorrow."

"Okay, I will go to see the old man some other day." Shen Ning's heart was relieved, she was thinking about whether to ask Ji Qingshan to operate on the old man's heart, but looking at it now, it should not be necessary up.

   "Ningning, thank you." Li Zhenting said in a low voice.

   "Then you take good care of his old man first, I'll hang up." Just when Li Zhenting was still thinking about saying a few more sweet words, Shen Ning had already accepted his topic and hung up the phone.

  Li Zhenting listened to the blind voice in his ear, feeling lonely and frustrated in his heart.

  Shen Ning called him in the middle of the night just to care about his grandfather's condition, not him. She didn't even want to say a word with him.

  Her indifference and alienation towards him are clearly visible.

  He put down the phone sullenly!

  Early in the morning, Shen Ning got up early.

  The younger sister of the two babies spits up a little. She plans to take care of the children at home today and won't go to work.

   Now that the company is operating normally, it won't matter much whether she goes or not.

   "Ning Ning." Zhu Qixiong came down and was surprised to see that Ning Ning was not at work at home.

   "Qixiong, have you had breakfast?" Shen Ning was busy holding the child.

"not yet."

   "Then let's have breakfast quickly."

   "Okay, Ningning, aren't you going to work today?"

"not going."


  Zhu Qixiong looked at Shen Ning's busy figure, lost his mind, turned around and went to the dining room to have breakfast!

   After breakfast, he habitually took out his mobile phone to browse the news! But not long after, his face became serious.

  I saw a missing person notice issued by Zhu Dongjin on a mainstream news media, and they were looking for him everywhere.

   There are also some entertainment news reports that Zhu Dongjin and Xu Xiangzhi have given Wu Xueying's family a gift of 20 million yuan, and his engagement day with Wu Xueying is this Saturday.

   After all, there are only three days left!

   Really shameless!

  He didn't agree to the whole thing, let alone participated in it. They even made the decision for him privately. Why!

  He has completely seen the ugliness and shamelessness of these people!


  What method did they use to deceive Wu Xueying? Wu Xueying is not stupid, how could she be fooled around by them.

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