Shen Ning was speechless for a while, and stood blankly, not knowing how to answer her.

  She felt sad and apprehensive.

   What is sad is that Mr. Li's illness is so serious, and what is disturbing is what should she do?

   Agree, it means that she will take the children back to Li's house again, which means that she and Li Zhenting will live together again.

Although it was only during the period of Mr. Li's illness, it was not a short period of time. Moreover, after she got involved with Li Zhenting, the news media would make a fuss again. She didn't like being judged by the media. scandal.

   But if you don't agree, Mr. Li is already terminally ill, can she refuse?

  Her head throbbed.

"Ning Ning, I know this is a difficult choice for you. Zhen Ting has come to beg you, and you didn't agree. I can understand you. After all, he was sorry for you first, and our Li family is sorry for you and owes you Yes, you are right not to agree, but I can't help it now. The old man refuses to be hospitalized now, and he is thinking about seeing his great-grandchildren at home every day. I really have no choice. I can't bear to let him die His wish could not be realized before." Li Wanqing said and shed tears.

   "Auntie, it's so difficult for me." Shen Ning was very contradictory and painful.

   "Ning Ning, just agree. This is the last time our Li family begs you, okay?" Seeing that Shen Ning was still hesitant, Li Wanqing had no choice but to move the entire Li family out.

  No matter how cruel Shen Ning was, he couldn't refuse Li Wanqing's tears.

   "Okay." She finally bowed her head.

   "Ning Ning, you agreed, finally agreed, that's great, thank you." Li Wanqing's eyes lit up, and she firmly held Shen Ning's hand, with tears of excitement in her eyes.

   Shen Ning turned his head away, feeling very complicated.

   Soon, Li Wanqing picked up the phone: "Zhenting, hurry up and take Ningning and the children home, she has agreed."

   "Auntie, are you leaving now?" Shen Ning asked in surprise after seeing her hang up the phone.

  It's the middle of the night!

"Yes, I'm not afraid to tell you that the old man asks about you and the children every day when he wakes up. We have promised him that you will come back tomorrow, so if he wakes up tomorrow morning and doesn't see you And the kids will be very disappointed."

   Well, Shen Ning has nothing to say.

"One more thing, Ningning, now the old man and the old lady don't know about the old man's condition, we are all hiding it from them, don't tell him about his condition after you go home, just say it's a common heart disease, It will be all right soon." Li Wanqing then warned softly.

   "Okay, I know." Shen Ning nodded.

   "Then let's pack up quickly, it will affect the children's sleep if it is too late, I have already packed up there." Li Wanqing started to pack up.

  Shen Ning smiled bitterly.

  She even packed up the place where they lived, which means she will agree to go back to Li's old house!

  Hey, she just has a soft heart, and was once again manipulated by the Li family.

   Not long after, the sound of the car's engine sounded outside, and Li Zhenting hurried in with cold blood.

   Li Zhenting looked tired, but he was in good spirits, especially when he saw Shen Ning, his eyes were as gentle as water.

  Shen Ning understood what he was thinking, and looked away from him with a sullen face, and just packed things in silence.

"Li Zhenting, I solemnly declare that the reason why I agreed to go back to Li's house this time is not because of you, but because of your grandfather's illness. I am only going to live temporarily. Please respect me, otherwise, I will I will move out immediately." After everything was ready and before getting into the car, Shen Ning stopped Li Zhenting and spoke solemnly.

   Li Zhenting's eyes darkened, and he said deeply: "Okay, I understand, Ningning, thank you, don't worry, I will respect you."

   "That's good, you'd better remember." Shen Ning reiterated blankly.

   "Ning Ning, get in the car, the children are calling you." Li Zhenting hit her umbrella on her head, urging her.

   Before Shen Ning raised his feet to get into the car, suddenly, his eyes turned to the guest room upstairs.

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