"Mr. Shen, I have some good news for you. The manager of the Xinjin project department called. It turned out that they had changed the person in charge and forgot about it. The money has been transferred. They will come to pick up the goods tomorrow. And they have repeatedly apologized to us and are going to compensate us for our losses, do you think they should compensate us?"

Shen Ning was of course happy when he heard it, and hurriedly said: "There is no need to pay, this is a friendly cooperation between the two companies, they can sign a contract with us, they are already our big customers, don't worry about a small mistake, it is our side We didn't pay attention to big customers and invited them to dinner."

"Okay, then I'll tell the business department." The secretary was about to hang up the phone happily, when Shen Ning remembered something and asked, "Secretary Yang, what is the origin of this Xinjin company? What did it originally produce? "

  Shen Ning seems to have never heard of such a big company, so it's better to know something about his company's big customers.

Secretary Yang said with a smile over there: "Mr. Shen, this company is very large and is mainly responsible for overseas assets. It is very well-known in Southeast Asia. At that time, they contacted us directly to ask for an order. I remember it was very refreshing when we signed the contract. , presumably they are also very profitable."

   "Oh, good." Shen Ning was relieved to hear that, no matter what, having business is a good thing, so at least she doesn't have to worry about the sales of Gu Qi, and Gu Qi can be supported by this company alone.

  After hanging up the phone, she went to take care of the child without worrying about it.

  The entrance of the community.

  Lan Feiyun got out of the car, carrying a bag, carrying a lot of delicious food and walking towards her home.

With the 500,000 deposit from Xu Xiangzhi, she and Shen Mei spent nearly 100,000 on a bag alone, bought a car worth more than 200,000, and bought all kinds of brand-name clothes and outfits for Shen Mei. Eating, drinking and having fun, after a while there is not much left.

"Mrs. Shen." Just as she was walking to the door of her own building, a woman's cold voice suddenly sounded, which startled her. She turned around and saw Shen Ning standing in front of her, looking straight at her. Looking at her, he was indifferent.

  She panicked, and hurriedly asked loudly: "Shen Ning, what are you doing here?"

   "Nothing, just to see you." Shen Ning suddenly smiled, and took a few steps towards her.

  Looking at her smiling face, Lan Feiyun felt inexplicably guilty, and took several steps back.

"Mrs. Shen, how did my mother die? Why did you get out of prison so soon?" But Shen Ning seemed to be trying to scare her on purpose, and pushed towards her, with a gloomy face and big eyes, From time to time glowing dead fish white.

"I don't know, don't ask me, it's none of our business." Lan Feiyun said incoherently, turned around and ran in, just as the elevator came, she ran in, quickly pressed the elevator button to close, leaned on the On the elevator, I felt sweaty all over my body.

   After a while, the elevator door opened, and she walked out quickly, took the key to open the door, for fear that Shen Ning would catch up with her.

  But the more she was afraid, the more her hands kept shaking, and she couldn't even match the chain holes.

   "Let me drive it." I was really afraid of anything, when Shen Ning's voice suddenly came from behind.

   "Go away, follow me again, I'm going to call the police." Lan Feiyun's face changed color, and he turned around and yelled angrily.

   Shen Ning stood there looking at her, motionless.


  She couldn't straighten up laughing with her hands on her belly.

  Lan Feiyun's eyes widened, she woke up suddenly, ran over, grabbed 'Shen Ning' and asked in surprise, "Meimei, is that you?"

   "Mom, you don't even know me anymore." Shen Mei laughed triumphantly and burst into tears.

"Damn girl, you even lied to my mother." Lan Feiyun hit her, pulled her to look up and down, excited: "Like, so similar, even I was lied to, Meimei, good job , it’s time for us to make money.”

   As she spoke, she hugged Shen Mei and walked around in a circle.

   "Mom, you're still guilty." Shen Mei felt a little terrified when she thought of Lan Feiyun's performance just now. In fact, she was also guilty, otherwise she wouldn't be able to say that.

   "What a guilty conscience, living happily with money is the best." Lan Feiyun refused to admit it, and pulled her to open the door and happily entered the house.

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