Rao Yajing touched a soft nail and was a bit apprehensive, but then laughed.

Shen Ning is right, she and Li Zhenting have already divorced, this wealthy marriage is not something she can rely on, even if Mr. Li likes her again, he is about to die, if Li Zhenting does not marry her for a day, she will be considered alive Eight births out of ten are useless.

  In the imperial capital, several female celebrities worked for the rich and powerful families, and even gave birth to four or five children without being able to get the status.

  She was Li Zhenkun Zheng Erbajing married in and got married and had children.

  This status is unmatched by anyone!

  She walked away confidently.

  Shen Ning pushed Xixi and Beibei outside for a walk, then went back.

  Back in the bedroom, she saw that the exquisite designer bag that Li Jichun rewarded her was placed in the corner of the dressing table. She looked at it, walked over to pick it up, and prepared to put it in the cabinet.

  No matter what, the old man gave her this award, and if she doesn't treat her well, she will be disrespectful to his old man!

  The bag is from the Chanel brand, and it can’t be considered particularly expensive. It’s about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan each. This is why she accepts it. It’s too expensive, and she really dare not take it

  She picked up the bag and was about to put it in, but she didn't want to, she took it down for a while, and suddenly a hard block fell from it, and there was a crisp echo when it fell to the ground.

  She was stunned, and immediately bent down to pick it up. When she opened it, she found that it was a thick gold brick, which was heavy in her hand and not light in weight.

  Her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly opened her bag.

  The opening made her eyelids twitch.

   I saw that there were real estate certificates, gold bars, gold locks, and ancestral jewelry sets inside.

  Her eyes could hardly be opened.

  Oh my god, the old man actually gave her such a precious thing, what can she do!

  She closed the door, sat on the head of the bed, and opened the various gifts to examine them carefully.

The real estate certificate comes from a villa, which is located in the central district of the imperial capital. This district is the most expensive area in the entire imperial capital. Such a villa has a market value of at least 800 to 900 million yuan, which is more expensive than the villa that Li Zhenting gave her a few days ago .

   And those jewels, especially the ancestral set, were worn by a certain empress of the Qing Dynasty. They should be said to be priceless treasures. As for the gold bricks and gold bars, they are still the cheapest.

  Shen Ning was in a daze holding the pile of gifted property.

  Master Li is really kind to her!

She thought of what Rao Yajing said just now, and suddenly understood why Mr. Li just gave her a slightly more expensive bag in front of outsiders, and stuffed all these jewelry and property into this bag, because he was afraid that someone would jealous.

He made others mistakenly think that he just rewarded her with a bag. In fact, the most valuable things are hidden in it. This also confirms that Rao Yajing didn't get so many rewards. Otherwise, he doesn't need to cover up up.

   She sighed in her heart!

  At this time, she can't return the gifts to Mr. Li. This will only expose these gifts and cause conflicts within the family, which will disappoint his old man's wishes.

  What the old man gave her was nothing more than what he hoped to leave to his descendants in the end. Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, Xixi, and Bei Bei were all grandchildren of the Li family, so she just left them to them.

  Thinking of this, she carefully put all the presents into the cabinet and put them away.

  During lunch, there were three tables open because there were a lot of people coming and going.

  One table is for immediate family members, uncles, brothers, sisters, and hostesses, all of them are Li family members, the other table is for management personnel who interact with some relatives, and the other table is for children.

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