Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1267: You are the lucky star of our family

   "Qixiong, you really misunderstood me." Xu Xiangzhi was crying, looking like she had been wronged.

"Xu Xiangzhi, tell you, I can tolerate other things, if you do something to Shen Ning, I will send you to hell, get out, don't let me see you again, you disgusting woman." Zhu Qixiong The anger in his eyes was burning, as if he was going to burn Xu Xiangzhi.

  Xu Xiangzhi was terrified and terrified.

   "Hurry up and send the young master to the guest room to rest. I'll go find his father." She turned around and ran away after leaving a word.

  Zhu Qixiong was sent to the guest room, but this time, the rope on his body was not loosened, and he was still tightly bound.

   Next, Zhu Dongjin personally came to persuade Zhu Qixiong to follow their arrangement and go to the engagement ceremony obediently tomorrow, but was scolded **** by Zhu Qixiong and almost died of anger.

   Later, some relatives came to persuade them, but they were all scolded by Zhu Qinan.

  This time, Zhu Qixiong is determined to fight them to the end.

  Xu Xiangzhi felt very uncomfortable, and had nothing to do with Zhu Qixiong.

  At night, Wu Xueying came.

   "Auntie, I'm here to see Qixiong." She said bluntly after seeing Xu Xiangzhi.

Before this, she had been feeling uneasy. Newspapers and news were saying that Zhu Qixiong was missing everywhere. Thinking that tomorrow would be their engagement wedding, she didn't expect to make a fool of herself in public. The joke of the upper class of the entire imperial capital.

  Xu Xiangzhi saw her with confidence, and immediately took her hand and said affectionately: "Qixiong just came back, and he is already asleep."

After speaking, he took her hand and walked towards Zhu Qixiong's guest room, and said as he walked: "He has been working outside during this time, and fell asleep from exhaustion, he is afraid that it will affect tomorrow's engagement, and he is recharging his energy .”

   While speaking, he dragged her into a spacious and bright guest room, and pointed to Zhu Qixiong who was lying down and sleeping inside through the window.

  Zhu Qixiong was covered with an air-conditioning quilt, with his face facing outside.

  Wu Xueying took a look, and it was indeed Zhu Qixiong. He was sleeping soundly, and his heart suddenly settled down, and a girlish blush flashed across his face.

  It seems that the outside newspapers are all catching rumors, and they cannot be trusted.

  Her heart was filled with joy, and all her previous doubts were dispelled.

"Xiaoying, just now I discussed with Qixiong's father that we plan to hold a wedding for you on August 15th after your engagement. You are the eldest daughter of the Wu family. This wedding can't be careless, but we You should have heard about the current situation of the Zhu family, right? We are really in a difficult situation, and we can't afford too much money. I want to ask you, after the wedding engagement tomorrow, will your gift money be brought over?" Xu Xiangzhi kissed He held Wu Xueying's hand carefully and asked tentatively.

  Wu Xueying's family is a well-known gambling king in the emperor, and they have plenty of money, so they don't care about such a small amount of money. Besides, she loves Zhu Qixiong.

"Auntie, I know the situation of Zhu's family now, and I have already discussed it with my father. He said that Zhu's family is difficult now, and you can't let you spend too much money, but you still have to be decent. Therefore, he is going to Take a hundred million as a gift in return, and it will be a decent wedding for us." Wu Xueying immediately replied with a smile.

  Xu Xiangzhi's eyes lit up, oh my god, 100 million, really rich!

   "Thank you so much to my in-laws, Xiaoying, you are really the lucky star of our Zhu family." Xu Xiangzhi thanked her repeatedly, smiling like a flower.

Originally, when she saw Zhu Qixiong's attitude towards her today, she almost gave up. Now Zhu Qixiong is a lion who is not easy to mess with. If she is not careful, she will be bitten all over her body. She is very worried because the forty million At that time, her old background will be found out, and both she and her son will suffer.

  But after hearing Wu Xueying's words at this time, she made up her mind to get the money before leaving.

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