Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1275: Li Zhenting's strength to protect his wife 3

   "Grandma." Xiao Shitou saw his grandma coming, and the little guy knew that grandma always loved her the most, so he was not afraid of anything now, and wailed louder, louder than ever.

  Liang Ruqi was eager to protect the calf. Seeing her grandson cry bitterly was tantamount to killing her.

   Looking up again, she saw Shen Ning holding Xiao Xiao standing beside her.

   It seemed that he knew something now, his whole face was pulled down, it was terribly dark.

"Shitou, tell grandma, who hit you today? Don't be afraid, tell me, grandma will support you. I want to see who or what dog dares to bully my grandson. I won't believe that evil." She asked while wiping her tears on the stone.

   Then he checked everywhere on him, trying to find out the wound.

   "Grandma, Aunt Shen Ning threw me to the ground. My **** and legs hurt so much." Shitou pointed at Shen Ning and complained loudly.


Liang Ruqi saw that Shen Ning dared to blatantly bully her grandson in broad daylight, the fire went up immediately, without asking the reason, she stood up suddenly, with a dark face, relying on her status as an elder, directly pointing at Shen Ning rather.

   "Shen Ning, you are an adult who actually bullies a five-year-old child, what is your intention? Why are you thinking so viciously?" She rushed in front of Shen Ning aggressively, and asked directly.

  Xiao Xiao was frightened by her ferocious face for a moment, shrank into Shen Ning's arms, and burst into tears in fright.

   "Xiao Xiao, don't be afraid, with Mommy here, no one would dare to hurt you." Shen Ning's heart ached, she hugged Xiao Xiao tightly, comforting her.

"Shen Ning, aren't you just a divorced woman? Although you have given birth to a few children for the Li family, it's not certain whether Li Zhenting wants you. Why are you so domineering in the Li family? What are you? How dare you?" Bullying my grandson, I tell you, my grandson is also surnamed Li, not a wild woman like you can bully, you have to give me an explanation today, otherwise, I won't let you go, I'm going to tell the old man and old lady. "Liang Ruqi thought she was reasonable and aggressive.

   "Hehe." Shen Ning sneered straight, "Auntie, as an elder, don't you just blame others when you handle things without asking why or responsibility? Are you disregarding the right and wrong, or relying on the old to sell the old?"

  Shen Ning was not polite to her, his tone was extremely sharp.

  Liang Ruqi didn't expect that Shen Ning would dare to hate her so much, she was so angry that she sternly taught:

"Shen Ning, you beat my grandson and you still talk to me like an elder. Are you educated? You dare to do whatever you want in our Li family because the old man and the old lady like you. Don't forget, we are the Li family, you are just an outsider."

  Shen Ning's eyes gleamed coldly.

The small teeth and wounds are real, and the person who was really beaten was scolded by the person who was not beaten. This is her incompetence as a mother and her irresponsibility to her daughter. Heart shadow.

  She will never spoil her!

   "Enough." She shouted angrily, and reprimanded loudly, "You keep saying that I hit a stone, which eye did you see? Is there any evidence?"

  Liang Ruqi was taken aback, and quickly said: "Shitou said that you pushed him to the ground. Children can't lie. Is there any truth to this?"

   "Yes, grandma, she was the one who pushed me to the ground." At this moment, Shitou shouted loudly with evil eyes.

   "Listen, why are you an adult pushing my grandson? He is still so young, how can you bear it?" Liang Ruqi asked angrily.

Shen Ning stared at Shi Shi coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Shi Shi, look into my eyes and speak clearly, did I push you or did you bite me first? Children who lie will not grow up Yo."

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