Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1276: Li Zhenting's strength to protect his wife 4

  Little Shishi dodged Shen Ning with his small eyes.

   "Shen Ning, why are you threatening my grandson?" Liang Ruqi saw that Xiao Shitou was too scared to speak, and immediately felt distressed, and asked angrily.

"Auntie, am I threatening him? Have you figured out what happened? Just listen to the child's one-sided words and you accuse me for no reason. Such behavior is really disgusting." Shen Ning said coldly, "Don't worry, Don't worry, things will be cleared up, whoever hurt my daughter today, I will definitely not let anyone go."

  Her voice was resolute and cold, and her demeanor was determined.

  Liang Ruqi felt guilty all of a sudden.

   "Stone, what happened today?" She lowered her head and asked her grandson.

  But Xiaoshi bowed his head and still dared not speak.

  Shen Ning pulled Xiao Xiao out of his arms, pointed to her bleeding mouth and knees and asked Xiao Shitou, "Shitou, tell the truth, did Xiao Xiao get killed by you?"

   "I...I don't." Little Stone faltered.

   "Shitou, if you tell the truth now, Auntie will persuade Xiaoxiao to forgive you, otherwise, today's matter must be business-like, and no one can leave." Shen Ning's tone was very severe.

  Little Shitou was so frightened that he cried, and kept digging into Liang Ruqi's arms.

  Liang Ruqi cried when she saw her grandson, her face turned black, and she was about to speak.

  Suddenly, Shen Ning shouted loudly: "Lan Lan, don't leave, this matter hasn't been settled yet."

  Lan Lan, who was staying by the side, saw that the situation was not going well, so she turned around and ran away.

  Shen Ning would not let her escape like this, so he immediately yelled at her.

   But this time Lan Lan didn't listen to Shen Ning's calling, and still wanted to run.

   "Lan Lan, don't leave." At this moment, Ke Ke and Ding Ding ran over and stopped her.

  It turned out that Ke Ke and Ding Ding were fascinated by a game and didn't notice what was happening here. When they were awakened by the crying here, they came over and saw Mommy was here, still telling Lan Lan not to run.

  The two little ones immediately realized that Lan Lan must be bullying Xiaoxiao again, so they ran up to her and stopped her.

   "Hmph, bad guy, let's go to my mommy." Ke Ke and Ding Ding escorted her to Shen Ning and Xiao Xiao.

   "Auntie, I didn't push Xiaoxiao, but the stone." Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lan Lan immediately sold the stone while crying.

  Everyone turned their eyes to the stone.

   "Yes, it was pushed by a stone, I saw it." At this time, a child of a relative of Li Wanqing's family reported it in real name.

  Shitou burst into tears.

  Shen Ning looked at him and asked sternly: "Shitou, why did you push Xiaoxiao?"

  Shitou hugged Liang Ruqi's thigh and dared not speak.

Liang Ruqi couldn't hold back anymore: "Shen Ning, don't talk to my grandson so loudly, even if the stone accidentally pushes a little, then you are also pushing the stone, the stone is just a child, not sensible, you are an adult , adults can do it, let alone children.”

"You can really quibble." Shen Ning sneered, "You heard clearly, the stone was not accidentally pushed by Xiaoxiao today, but deliberately framed, Xiaoxiao's tooth has been pushed off by him now, The knee was also bleeding, but Shi Shi not only refused to admit it, but cried and made a fuss, and even accused me of pushing him. No wonder the child's attitude is so bad. It turns out that adults are so ignorant, how can they teach good children? Well, today I have to discipline him, otherwise I will only harm others and myself in the future, and I will be taught badly by adults."

   After finishing speaking, she brought the back of her hand that was bleeding from the stone bite to Liang Ruqi:

"Look carefully, he wanted to evade responsibility and run away, I went to pull him, he not only spat at me, but also bit the back of my hand like this, young, vicious, I just wanted to push him away , To prevent him from biting me, he could not stand still and pretended to fall, and framed me, shouting "Stop thief, really bad."

   Shen Ning was very angry, his eyes were full of anger.

  Liang Ruqi already understood what was going on, but she didn't agree with what Shen Ning said, and she was even more unwilling to lose.

   Moreover, Shen Ning kept saying that she was ignorant, that she could not teach her grandson well, and that her grandson was bad, which made her very angry.

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