Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1291: Li Zhenting's strength to protect his wife 18

   "Wanqing, Zhenting failed her, and our Li family failed to keep her well. She has to plan for herself, which is right." After a long time, Li Jinyao spoke.

"Yes, but she lives in our house now, but she can't bear it if she does that? Anyway, let's take care of our Li family's face. Of course, after all, people have physical needs, but she doesn't have to make trouble. Everyone knows, isn't this hitting Zhen Ting in the face?" Li Wanqing was a little annoyed, "I know I can't keep her, but I always have fantasies, after all, she is the mother of Zhen Ting's five children. , if they can reconcile, it would be great for the children, and it would be good for our Li family, but she just won't forgive Zhen Ting... Jinyao, this matter has been suppressed by me, but the old man must never know, His old man is sick like that, we can't make him sad."

"Wanqing, she doesn't want to live in our Li family at all. She was forced by us, and her father's illness is so serious that he wants to take care of the child. Now we are asking her, so don't say anything more. Now, she has the freedom to choose, so why can't you figure it out."

"I know. I have no right to blame her. It's our fault. I just think she can't wait any longer. After the old man leaves, she can do whatever she wants. We are not unreasonable people, we won't Forcing her to do something she doesn't like, she doesn't like Zhenting, so we won't force her, but now..." Li Wanqing was unhappy, "Forget it, we can't control what happens to her, but Xixi and Beibei It's Zhen Ting's child, and she can't be taken away by then."

  Shen Ning's eyes darkened, she couldn't understand so many words in the middle, but the last sentence Xixi and Beibei couldn't be taken away by her, it almost took her heart.

   Sure enough, her guess was right!

  They are going to grab the baby!

  Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao have already given it to them, Xi Xi and Bei Bei must not give it to them again, that would be too unfair to her.

  It seems that she has to face another difficult battle for her son!

  She turned around, didn't take the honey, and walked upstairs with weak steps. As soon as she went up, she hugged Xixi and Beibei, feeling cold all over.

   Li Zhenting came home from get off work, and as soon as he entered the house, he strode upstairs with a look of eagerness.

   But at the top of the stairs, she met Li Wanqing.

  Seeing her son's eager look, she knew that he wanted to go up to see Shen Ning and the children, so she couldn't help feeling sad.

   "Zhenting, come with me, I have something to tell you." She smiled faintly, and pulled Li Zhenting downstairs.

   "Mom, what's the matter, can't we talk about it later?"

   "No." Li Wanqing said firmly.

  Li Zhenting had no choice but to follow her to the study.

   "Mom, what's the matter, tell me quickly." As soon as he entered, Li Zhenting spoke impatiently.

   It's been a day since I saw Shen Ning and the children, but I miss them.

   "No hurry, just sit down first." Seeing her son wanting to see Shen Ning and the child with all his heart and soul, she deliberately slowed down her tone and asked him to sit down first, suppressing his enthusiasm.

She was a silly son who didn't know how to cherish Shen Ning before, and it was useless how much she tried to persuade him. Emotionally, we will experience another **** storm.

   Moreover, Shen Ning is neither humble nor overbearing, calm and assertive in situations, and five children are involved, I am afraid that he will be even faster than Xiaofeng at that time!

   "Mom, just tell me, what's the matter?" Li Zhenting was made uncomfortable by Li Wanqing, so he had to sit down.

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