Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1293: Li Zhenting's strength to protect his wife 20

   "Which woman? What did you lie to?" Li Wanqing's eyes froze, she was very vigilant.

Liang Ruqi smiled: "Sister Qing, you are still protecting her, tsk tsk, what a mother-daughter relationship, it's a pity that she gave you a piece of true love by mistake, you and Zhen Ting both love her that much, love her It's down to the bone, but she actually slept with other men behind your backs, tsk tsk, what a good daughter-in-law, good wife."

   While speaking, she took out her mobile phone and enlarged the picture before sending it to Li Wanqing.

  Li Wanqing's eyes went black for a while, and she immediately snatched her phone to delete it.

"Sister Qing, don't worry, I'm also from the Li family anyway, and I won't talk about such scandals, and I even covered it up for you. After all, Yajing is now in charge of the family, and the old man is seriously ill. He likes Shen Ning the most. That's right, if you let him know about this kind of scandal, I don't know how angry he will be, and this kind of thing happened when Yajing was in charge, and it will have a bad influence on her."

   After finishing speaking, Liang Ruqi took the mobile phone from her hand and deleted the picture.

"At present, this matter has not been spread, that is, the few of us know it, and we can't make any waves. Let me tell you, I just want you and Zhen Ting to know it well, and don't be deceived by others." She had a full face caring.

   "How did you know about these pictures?" Li Wanqing was puzzled.

"Then don't worry about it, someone sent it to me anyway, and I also told him that such a photo is related to the reputation of the Li family, and it must not be sent out, at least not for the time being. If you want to send it, you have to wait until Shen Ning leaves the Li family. In the end, this has nothing to do with our Li family." Liang Ruqi's words seemed to speak to Li Wanqing's heart, but she hoped that even after Shen Ning left the Li family, such photos would never appear in magazine media.

   "Okay, thank you."

   After she said in a low voice, she walked away quickly.

   "Sister Qing, don't worry too much, and pay attention to your body." Liang Ruqi told her with concern behind her back, but there was calculating complacency in her eyes.

  Li Wanqing gritted her teeth, as if being hit in the head by someone, her steps were unsteady.

   "Mom." As soon as she left, Rao Yajing walked in.

  Liang Ruqi scoffed disdainfully:

"Hmph, why are you pretending to be pure? It's not just a framed person. One side is haunted by Li Zhenting, and the other side is with Zhu Qixiong. I'm not afraid of AZ. Such a woman staying in our Li family will only harm our Li family. I don't know what the old man thinks, but he actually protects such a flirtatious woman."

   "Mom, it's better for me. No matter what, I am loyal to the Li family. I never mess around outside, and I don't even dare to talk to men." Rao Yajing took Liang Ruqi's hand and acted like a baby.

Liang Ruqi nodded in satisfaction, and patted her hand: "You are indeed a good daughter-in-law, capable and filial, and know the rules and etiquette. Don't worry, I will do my best to make you the female head of the Li family. , in the future, you just work hard and try not to make mistakes. Shen Ning is finished now. If those pictures of her are leaked, she will basically be ruined. Even if Li Zhenting loves her again, it is useless. In this way, you will have no biggest Competitors are sure to win."

   "Well, okay, Mom, I will, thank you for your support." Rao Yajing smiled sweetly.

  Liang Ruqi smiled brightly.

  In the guest room.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting strode in with a smile on his face.

  Shen Ning was breastfeeding the children, holding the baby in both hands, but his eyes were looking out of the window in a daze, maintaining a posture for a long time, and Li Zhenting didn't see it when he came in.

   Li Zhenting approached her and sat down next to her. When he lowered his head, he saw the snow-white mass. Suddenly, his Adam's apple rolled, as if a fire was rolling in his body.

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