Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1309: Li Zhenting's powerful wife 36

  Li's old house.

   Rao Yajing was at a loss as if her wings had been broken off.

  One morning, there were no servants around to flatter her, which made her very uncomfortable. Although no one dared to disobey when giving orders, it was well-regulated, and she didn't feel superior at all.

   There is delicious food in the kitchen, and they will not deliberately leave the best portion for her son, Xiao Shitou.

  She felt that she had been greatly wronged, and she was not used to it.

   "Mom, is it still interesting to own this house now? It would be better if Li Zhenting simply fired me." Rao Yajing brought a small stone to complain to Liang Ruqi.

   "You can't bear it just like that?" Liang Ruqi hugged Xiaoshi into her arms and glared at her.

"Mom, you don't know. When Shen Ning came out this morning, those nannies and housekeepers were so enthusiastic as if they had met their own mothers. Now they see that I am indifferent. What do you think of my family? Can you still continue?" Rao Yajing had a bitter face, very dissatisfied.

  Who made her husband not Li Zhenting?

  Of course Liang Ruqi understood what she was thinking, and looked at her with a dark face. She didn't want her son to be looked down upon by his daughter-in-law.

   "What are you in a hurry for? Didn't I tell you? Our cards haven't been played yet." She said coldly.

   Seeing that her mother-in-law was upset, Rao Yajing dared not speak.

  In the Li family, she didn't dare to offend this mother-in-law. Although they were only the second room, the money was too much, especially Liang Ruqi's net worth, which she couldn't get in her whole life.

  In a luxury apartment.

  Shen Ning has already cooked ten dishes.

  The sumptuous meal was put on the table, and the children all gathered around when they smelled the aroma.

   "Ning Ning, come, have some wine." After everything was ready, Li Zhenting opened a bottle of red wine worth more than 100,000 yuan and poured a glass for Shen Ning.

   "I want to breastfeed, but I can't drink." Shen Ning refused.

   "It's okay, just have a drink." Li Zhenting smiled, "It's a pity not to taste such a good red wine."

  He persistently put the red wine in front of her.

  Shen Ning has to take care of the children to eat, and is too lazy to argue with him.


   "Yeah, it's delicious, it's delicious."

   "Mummy's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

  The three little ones were smiling and flattering while eating.

   It’s been a long time since they had the food cooked by Mommy. It’s so delicious.

  The three little ones gobbled it up.

  Shen Ning listened to the praise of the three little ones, and burst out laughing happily.

  The contented appearance of the children made her very happy.

   "Come on, Ning Ning, you've worked hard. I'll toast you." After a while, after the children had had enough to drink, they all ran to the sofa to play. Only then did Shen Ning sit down and start eating, while Li Zhenting toasted her.

   "I told you, I can't drink." Shen Ning didn't even look at him.

"Just a glass, it's okay, this is pure wine, there's nothing wrong with it, life should have a sense of ritual, we just moved here today, why should you stick to small details, and, I'll take you out, you Shouldn't you thank me." Li Zhenting landed a big palm on her waist, begging for nothing.

  Shen Ning was annoyed by him. Look at the situation, if she doesn't drink this glass of wine, he won't give up.

  At the moment, he thought that the red wine should be fine, and the glass was not too big, so he had to raise the glass to clink with him and drink it down.

   Li Zhenting was in high spirits, and continued to eat and drink, while Shen Ning just ate and didn't drink anymore.

   "I called a part-time worker, so you don't need to wash the dishes." After a while, they had enough food and drink, Shen Ning stood up to wash the dishes, but Li Zhenting stopped her.

  He couldn't bear her to do the rough work of washing dishes.

  Shen Ning had no choice but to forget it.

  She returned to the bedroom, and the two little ones were still sleeping. After watching the two little ones on the cradle for a while, she got a little tired and lay down on the bed.

   After a while, I felt a wave of heat rising in my body, as hot as fire.

  She turned over and lay on her back, feeling a little stuffy in her chest, and the jeans on her lower body were probably too tight.

  She reached out and unbuttoned her chest, and took off her jeans, but the door opened suddenly after the jeans had been taken off for an hour and a half.

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