Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1312: Li Zhenting's powerful wife 39

  Li Wanqing came back after receiving an old friend of the Li family, feeling depressed.

  Today, the old man's cough became much heavier, and his body is getting worse day by day.

  As soon as he came in, Steward Luo brought over a new drug produced overseas sent by the head of a subsidiary under the Li Group.

  Li Wanqing took it and gave it to the old man.

   Not long after, the old man fell asleep, and the old lady stayed by his side. Seeing that there was nothing to do, Li Wanqing came out, ready to go back to the bedroom to rest.

  But she ran into Liang Ruqi right after she came out.

  Liang Ruqi smiled all over her face. Seeing that she was very enthusiastic, she first asked about the old man's illness, and then said to her: "Sister-in-law, I have something to tell you."

   "What's the matter?" Li Wanqing was very vigilant.

   "It's just a little thing."

   "I'm a little tired, let's talk about it later." Li Wanqing didn't want to talk to her at all, so she just replied and walked forward.

  Liang Ruqi stood behind and looked at her: "Sister-in-law, don't you want to hear about Shen Ning?"

  Li Wanqing stopped, turned around and sneered: "I said, brother and sister, do you have nothing to do? What are you doing staring at Shen Ning all day? She is with Zhen Ting now, there is nothing worthy of your attention, you should pay more attention to yourself."

   "Hey, sister-in-law, I don't want to pay attention either, but what she does is so eye-catching, it's hard for me not to pay attention." Liang Ruqi was annoyed.

   "What did she do?" Li Wanqing turned around with a dark face, "I tell you, I know Shen Ning's character best. She will never do those things. Don't make trouble here."

   "It would have been nice if it was really much ado about nothing, but it's clear that she did one thing to the face and another behind the scenes. I'm afraid you Zhen Ting will be deceived by her." Liang Ruqi was full of concern, with a look of resentment.

Li Wanqing's eyelids twitched, she really wanted to leave like this, but her curiosity made her unable to lift her feet, and what frightened her the most was that she was really worried that Shen Ning would do something shameful behind her back, and then make trouble. The city was full of wind and rain, and it was her son who was hurt like this.

   "What's the matter? Show me." She said to Liang Ruqi.

  Liang Ruqi sighed: "Sister-in-law, you have to be mentally prepared, these things are really disgraceful."

  After she finished speaking, she pulled out the photos on her phone and showed them to Li Wanqing.

  Li Wanqing's face turned livid, and she was very angry.

   After dinner, Li Zhenting didn't find a part-time worker, and Shen Ning was going to wash the dishes. He stopped her: "I'll do the washing, and you go take care of the children."

  He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his white arms, looking serious about washing dishes.

  Shen Ning wanted to wash himself, when Xixi and Beibei started crying outside.

  She had to go out and take care of the kids.

  Coco, Ding Ding, and the little ones saw that the relationship between Daddy and Mommy is obviously much better today, especially Mommy, her face is very warm and flushed.

  They came to a conclusion: that is, children really can't sleep with daddy or mommy all the time, as this will affect the relationship between daddy and mommy.


   After eating dinner for a while, they went to take a bath, and then went to their bedrooms to rest.

  Nuoda's house is very quiet and warm except for Xixi and Beibei's occasional inappropriate cries.

  Shen Ning was teasing Xixi and Beibei. The two cubs were very excited after drinking the breast milk.

  Shen Ning looked at them with a smile on his face, his eyes were shining.

  When Li Zhenting came in, he saw Shen Ning's charming smile, his heart swayed, he froze for a moment, walked forward, squatted down beside her, and rubbed his hot palms on her waist.

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