Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1317: Li Zhenting's powerful wife 43

   "Zhen Ting, when do you plan to remarry her?" Li Wanqing asked tremblingly.

   "Just next month, I haven't picked a good date yet."

   "Zhenting, can you delay it a little longer?"

   Maybe he will be able to see Shen Ning's true face later. She knows her son's personality, and she has never been able to change him. She can only hope for time.

"No." Li Zhenting sternly refused, "I just want to remarry Shen Ning before grandpa leaves, to make him happy. Moreover, after the old man leaves, there are funeral affairs at home and it is not suitable for marriage. Therefore, Shen Ning and I It is imperative to remarry, and I have already told my grandfather that he is an old man, and he is very happy."

   Speaking later, the tone was very strong, it was hoped that Li Wanqing would not interfere fearlessly, even grandpa agreed, so what is the point of her interference

  Li Wanqing closed her eyes, heartbroken.

  But Li Zhenting didn't care about her feelings, and had already turned and left.

   Three days later.

  Shen Ning was sitting in front of the vanity mirror in the bedroom combing his hair when the door opened, and Li Zhenting strode in in high spirits.

   "Ning Ning, guess what this is?" He stretched out his hands from behind and put his arms around her neck, and put a wonderful big jewelry box in front of her.

   "Jewelry." Shen Ning looked at his eyes with light eyes, "Didn't I tell you not to buy jewelry?"

   "We are getting married soon, and this is what I brought at the wedding, so I can't save it." Li Zhenting kissed her, "Open it and have a look."

  Shen Ning was stunned, and asked: "Have you fixed a date?"

   "Yes, I went to the temple to find Master Haihong yesterday, and he has already picked an auspicious day for me, and I am going to publish a statement in the newspaper today." Li Zhenting said in a friendly voice, kissing Shen Ning's ear while speaking.

  Shen Ning suddenly said: "What are you doing in the newspaper? Is it necessary to make such a big commotion? This is the third marriage, are you afraid that the world will not know?"

   "That's why I'm going to give you a grand wedding to make up for you. This is the last time, so don't be sloppy." Li Zhenting didn't approve at all, and slowly opened the jewelry in his hand.

  A ray of light burst out into the sky.

  Shen Ning took a deep breath, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be a perfect pink diamond, emitting a radiant glow, and under the pink inlay, it carried a sense of warmth.

"Do you know? This is the most famous perfect pink diamond in the world. It is worth 24 million US dollars and is unique in the world. It also symbolizes that our love is also unique in the world and deserves us." Li Zhenting's slender fingers moved Taking out the diamond ring and putting it on Shen Ning's finger, she praised: "It's so beautiful."

Shen Ning's fingers are light white, round and slender. Although they look thin, their palms are fleshy and their arms are very white. Wearing this pink diamond, it looks very beautiful, causing Li Zhenting's eyes to glow. He took the back of her hand and kissed her lightly.

  Shen Ning never thought that he would wear such a luxurious diamond ring one day, and it was put on by his beloved man. There was a blush on his face, and he felt happiness for the first time!

  In the study room, Li Wanqing was holding a calligraphy brush to try to concentrate her energy.

  The door opened.

  A capable man walked in.

   "Ma'am, after identification, the woman in this picture is indeed Shen Ning. No matter how you look at it, there are nine images."

   "Can't you make ten images?" Li Wanqing was not satisfied with this answer.

   "Ma'am, if you want to get ten images, you can only do a DNA test." The man looked helpless.

  Li Wanqing put down the brush and drank from the water glass, her fingers still trembling slightly.

  She didn't believe that Shen Ning would do those things, so she asked someone she trusted to make an appraisal, but the result was very cruel.

   "I see, let's go." She sat down on the chair, "Remember, no one can tell this matter for the time being."

   "Yes, ma'am."

  The man left, Li Wanqing's face turned black, and her chest hurt.

  She leaned on her chest with her hands, lying on the table.

   But at this time, the doorbell rang again.

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