Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1329: Li Zhenting's strength and beloved wife 55

   "Ha." Rao Yajing seemed to have expected that Shen Ning would come out to protect her, so she yelled and said sarcastically, "Shen Ning, I knew you would protect and protect Sister Wang, as expected."

   "This is not covering up, but seeking truth from facts." Shen Ning had a serious face.

   "Then tell me, what does she mean by stealing?" Rao Yajing sneered.

  Shen Ning pursed his lower lip, and said lightly:

"She didn't steal anything, but I asked her to send food to Li's Castle. Since Lan Lan returned to Li's Castle, only one tutor, Xiao Li, took care of her. Sister Wang and Mama Wu came Here, there is no one to cook, she is still a child and needs nourishment, so I told Sister Wang to send some delicious food to her, what's wrong with that?"

   Rao Yajing was dumb for a while, she didn't expect it to be like this, she couldn't react.

   "Sister Wang, next time you deliver food to Lan Lan, remember to say hello to Sister Jing first, after all, she is in charge here now." Shen Ning looked at Sister Wang and winked at her.

  Sister Wang understood, and immediately replied in a low voice: "Okay, next time I must report to Young Madam first, this is my negligence."

   "Sister Jing, do you have anything else to do?" Shen Ning glanced upstairs, worried that the two little guys would wake up and cry.

"Shen Ning, don't distract me. You said that if you give Lan Lan food, you give Lan Lan food? How can she eat so much food as a little girl? She is clearly stealing out to eat by herself. .” Rao Yajing waved his hand, not wanting to stop at all.

  Shen Ning smiled, took out his mobile phone, and said, "Sister Jing, I just took a picture of this on the surveillance camera, take a good look at it."

   Rao Yajing took it suspiciously.

  On the monitoring screen, Sister Wang brought those delicacies and fruits to the back door.

  There was a young man in the overalls of Li's Castle waiting there.

  After Miss Wang passed by, he took the basin, put it in a basket, covered it, and left.

   "This young man's name is A Ming, and he is a staff member of Li's Castle. If Sister Wang stole something privately, why should she give it to the staff of Li's Castle?" Shen Ning explained.

   Rao Yajing was dumb for a moment.

  She just thought about Sister Wang stealing something and going out to eat, but she didn't think who Sister Wang gave it to.

   Moreover, just now, it seems that there was no shot of Sister Wang giving something to the young man.

   "Strange, why didn't I see Sister Wang bring something to this young man just now?" She was full of suspicion.

Shen Ning smiled slightly: "You are so focused on catching Sister Wang that you want to embarrass me and Zhen Ting, so how can you have the time and energy to look at other things? I captured this on the surveillance camera. If you think it's fake, then Why don't we ask the security captain to call the monitor to see?"

  Rao Yajing was really focused on catching Sister Wang's handle, and then taking them all together, so she didn't notice so much.

  Right now, how could she check the monitoring again.

"Forget it, no matter what, she gave Lan Lan food without telling me, that's wrong, I caught her today, that's also wrong, how about it, Miss Wang, this month's bonus will be deducted It's gone." Although Rao Yajing couldn't fire Sister Wang, after struggling for so long, she couldn't just let Sister Wang go so easily.

   Besides, being the head of the family here, you have to report everything to her, otherwise, what do you want her to be the head of the family?

   "Thank you, Young Madam." Seeing that the matter was over, Sister Wang immediately thanked her.

  Rao Yajing asked them to go back to work in the kitchen with a cold face.

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