"Old man." As he spoke, the doctor rushed over and shouted to Li Jichun, "Old man, wake up."

Shen Ning's eyes widened.

Li Jichun's head was slowly turned away, his eyes were blurred, and after a burst of rapid breathing, there was only breath coming out of his nose and no air going in.

 “Grandpa,” she shouted, tears streaming down her face.

"Grandpa." Li Zhenting shouted in pain, rushed over and hugged him and cried loudly

 “Dad.” Li Wanqing also started crying.


 All the relatives who were standing outside rushed in after hearing the mournful cries inside.

 In an instant, there was a cry.

“My family members please express your condolences, the old man has passed away.” The doctor solemnly announced after carefully observing Li Jichun.

 The family members cried loudly again.

Shen Ning's thoughts were completely numb. Until this moment, the old man still held her hand without letting go.

 “Grandpa.” She burst into tears.

At this time, the doctor opened the old man's hand and looked at Shen Ning meaningfully.

At the last moment, the old man did not hold the hands of his sons or his wife, but the hand of his grandson's daughter-in-law, who had no blood relationship with the Li family. This shows that Shen Ning's status in Li Jichun's heart has increased. .

Shen Ning withdrew her hand and touched the skin on the back of her hand with her fingers. The old man's body temperature was still there. The old man who had just warned her was instantly separated from the yin and yang. Inexplicable sadness surged into his heart, and tears were like broken beads.

 The old man's death cast a shadow over the entire Li family's old house.

After a short period of pain, Li Zhenting had to gather his energy to take care of the old man's funeral.

 He is the backbone of the Li family now. If even he becomes decadent, the Li family will be in chaos.

 Fortunately, the old man has been ill for such a long time and some funeral arrangements have been arranged in advance.

Under the auspices of Li Zhenting, except for some female relatives, everyone else basically had their own affairs and was busy. After Shen Ning grieved with Li Wanqing for a long time, Li Wanqing wiped away her tears and pulled her out.

"Ning Ning, you are not in good health now. Don't work too hard. Zhenting will definitely be the busiest these days. He has no time to take care of you. You have to take good care of yourself and the children, so that you can Don't worry about him, you don't have to worry about anything else." Li Wanqing warned her carefully.

"Okay, Mom, I know." Shen Ning agreed with red eyes.

Li Wanqing went to work after saying that. At this time, she did not dare to hand over some heavy burdens to Shen Ning. She was not well yet and could not worry about it, so she had to bear it herself.

 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao were crying in the room.

 The little ones all knew that their great-grandpa was gone and were very sad. Normally, they also liked their great-grandpa very much and felt very sad to part with him.

 And since the adults were crying, they naturally had to cry too.

Shen Ning walked over and wanted to take the children upstairs. Because there were many people downstairs and the weather was cold, he was worried that the children would hinder the adults from doing things and would catch cold.

He stroked their heads and took their hands and was about to go up. Suddenly, he caught sight of a pair of unfamiliar and hostile eyes from the corner of his eye. He was startled and looked towards them.

 It turned out to be Lan Lan!

The little girl was standing against the wall with an indifferent expression, and the light in her eyes revealed a cunning indifference that was inconsistent with her age.

Everyone in the bedroom was crying, and even if they weren't crying, their eyes would be red.

 After all, everyone knows Li Jichun's contribution to the Li family, and the majesty of this elder is obvious to all.

Only Lan Lan, not only did she not have a trace of sadness in her eyes, she actually had a smile.

 Some pictures from the past flashed in his mind, and Shen Ning's eyes became cold.

She knew this little girl very well, and she was almost exactly the same as Shen Mei.

When her eyes met Lan Lan's, her eyes were stern, showing the majesty of an elder, showing off her dignity without anger.

Lan Lan, who had always been naughty, was startled, showed a hint of timidity, and lowered her head.

Shen Ning just looked at her coldly, took Coco, Ding Ding and her little hands and walked upstairs. Xixi and Beibei had already been carried upstairs by the special nurses.

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