"Hey, Shen Ning, you're back? Are you feeling well?" Shen Ning finished settling the three little guys and went downstairs. As soon as he went downstairs, he met a woman, who spoke to her with a smile.

 Shen Ning looked up and saw that it was Liang Ruqi!

 “Thank you, I’m fine.” She smiled and replied.

The smile on Liang Ruqi's face froze for a moment, and she immediately replied: "That's good. The Li family is short of a head now. It's just right for you to come back."

The smile on Shen Ning's face did not change, neither affirming nor denying. She just looked at Liang Ruqi and asked: "Old lady, what is your surname? Who is a relative of the Li family? Sorry, I have lost my memory and can't remember clearly. Yes, I’m sorry for asking.”

 Old lady? Liang Ruqi's face darkened. Is she so young?

However, she soon became very happy.

 Because Shen Ning has lost her memory and has no idea who she is, which is good!

“Shen Ning, I am your uncle and aunt, you can call me aunt from now on.” She had a smile on her face and looked very friendly and enthusiastic.

“It turns out to be aunt, hello aunt.” Shen Ning also smiled affectionately.

“Hey, my niece, no wonder your mother-in-law likes you so much. You have such a sweet mouth.” Liang Ruqi agreed with a friendly smile.

Shen Ning lowered his head shyly.

Liang Ruqi greeted her for a few more words and then turned and left.

Shen Ning raised his head and looked at her retreating back. The smile on his face cooled down little by little.

Liang Ruqi, this cunning and cunning woman, was the one who sent someone to push her off the cliff at the back of the mountain. Now Rao Yajing has been charged with all the crimes, but she is left unpunished. Why?

That night, if she hadn't been lucky enough and if Li Zhenting hadn't been searching for her crazily and persistently, she would have died long ago.

 Why can the person who harmed her get away with it and feel safe?

 She withdrew her gaze.

"Ning Ning, why are you staying in this wind? It's so cold here." Behind him, Li Zhenting's voice came over. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhenting's big hands pulled her into his arms, and his strong body covered her , holding her hands.

This place is at the entrance of the stairs, with a small door behind it. The draft wind comes through from time to time, and the cold wind penetrates into the bones.

“It’s okay, I just came down.” Shen Ning smiled.

"Ning Ning, don't talk to her in the future, and walk away when you see her." Li Zhenting raised his eyes and glanced at the back of Liang Ruqi who had walked away, with a cold light in his eyes.

 “Is she bad?” Shen Ning raised his head, blinking his big eyes, looking harmless.

"She is not a good person anyway. You must be careful when dealing with such a person. She will not have any good intentions when approaching you or talking to you. Just try to stay away from her." Li Zhenting snorted from his nose and hugged her. Walking towards the lounge,

"Ning Ning, I will be very busy these days. Starting from tomorrow, dignitaries and businessmen from all walks of life will come to mourn the old man. On some occasions, when family members are required to accompany the reception, you will be required to come forward. At other times, you only need to take good care of the children. Don't It’s so sad, it’s not a pity that my grandpa passed away at this age.”

“Well, okay, just call me when the time comes.” Shen Ning nodded and agreed.

"Also, Ning Ning, there are so many people these days. You should protect yourself and the children. I will also send Baobiao to protect you." Li Zhenting helped Shen Ning sit down in the lounge and kissed her. Kissing her forehead, "I have sent someone to get the black couple's mourning clothes. We will try them on later. We will need to wear them when we start to receive guests tomorrow."

 “Okay.” Shen Ning nodded obediently.

Li Zhenting gave a few more instructions, then the phone rang. He looked at it, said goodbye to Shen Ning and walked out.

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