"Mr. Li, after all, Shen Mei gave birth to Lan Lan for you. As a man, you also owe Shen Mei. Instead of treating her kindly, you bullied her. If it weren't for Lan Lan's sake, I would There is no need to tell you these things." But he said quickly.

"Wrong, Mr. Lin, I have never owed Shen Mei anything. It was indeed my fault that I gave birth to Lan Lan. It was a mistake I made when I was drunk that day. I have given her six years of life for this mistake." Time, in the past six years, I have given her endless money and countless glory and wealth, but she has a bad character, is greedy, lies like a liar, has no redeeming qualities, and even tried to harm my child several times. "We, if Shen Ning hadn't discovered it quickly, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao wouldn't know what would happen to them now. I would have done my best to treat her like this. Therefore, I don't owe her anything." Li Zhenting spoke righteously. .

 The atmosphere between the two men was very awkward for a while.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I've told you everything I want to say. As for the rest, I can't do anything else. Everyone should take care of themselves. I'll leave first." Finally, Lin Shoyu said, Turned around and left.

Li Zhenting clenched his fists.

He didn’t expect that things would develop like this!

If he doesn't avenge Shen Ning, he won't be able to pass the threshold, and he won't be sorry for Shen Ning!

 As a man, he cannot accept this!

 In the living room.

Lin Shouyu bumped into someone as soon as he came out of the corridor.

 He looked up and was stunned.

I saw Shen Ning coming down the stairs, and they met in the direction of the living room.

Shen Ning was also stunned when he saw Lin Shouyu.

She only met Lin Shoyu once. Later, she left the imperial capital and never saw him again.

 But inexplicably, she knew him and recognized him just by looking at him.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." Out of politeness, she nodded to him and said hello.

"Hello, Mrs. Li." Lin Shoyu also woke up and immediately returned the greeting. However, after the two of them said hello, they walked outside one after another without saying anything else.

Lin Shouyu frowned slightly, lowered his head and walked a few steps. When he was about to walk out of the living room, he looked back at Shen Ning behind him.


 The moment he saw Shen Ning, he was momentarily absent-minded, as if he saw the shadow of his mother.

It’s so similar.

He was shocked but also full of regret. Originally, he had always thought that Shen Ning was his biological sister, but he didn't expect that it wasn't the case. It was just his illusion.

If he hadn't done the paternity test with Shen Mei in person, he would have suspected that the paternity test was fake, but in the face of the hard facts, he had nothing to do.


 In the bottom of his heart, that vague and inexplicable feeling made him a little reluctant.

And the extremely natural feeling of closeness when facing Shen Ning also hit his heart.

He got in the car and started it. When the car was about to drive out of the Li family's old house, he still turned his head and looked at Shen Ning who was standing outside to greet guests.

 There was a constant sound of car horns coming from behind.

 He withdrew his gaze before driving the car out of Li's old house.

"Ning Ning, how is Xiaoxiao? Is she okay?" As soon as Lin Shoyu left, Li Zhenting walked out, stood next to Shen Ning, held her hand and asked softly.

"It's okay." Shen Ning just brought Xiaoxiao upstairs, comforted her for a while, and made milk powder for Xixi and Beibei before coming down. Unexpectedly, she met Lin Shoyu, a little unexpectedly. "Did Lin Shouyu come here to pay homage to grandpa?"

Li Zhenting looked at her and asked in surprise: "Do you recognize Lin Shouyu?"

Haven’t she already lost her memory? Before she lost her memory, she and Lin Shoyu must have only met once!

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