"I don't recognize him, because I happened to meet him just now, and the master of ceremonies over there said he was Lin Shoyu." Shen Ning said calmly.

“You’ve met him, what do you think of him?” Li Zhenting heard this and asked hurriedly.

"It's hard to say." Shen Ning said calmly, "I never like to judge others, let alone I have no contact with him."


"However, my Gucci perfume company cooperates with Lin Zhenxun's company in the United States. Lin Zhenxun is a good person. I have met him. He is very easy-going, kind and honest." Speaking of Lin Zhenxun, the corners of Shen Mei's lips curled up slightly. got up.

"Ning Ning, have you recovered your memory?" Li Zhenting looked at her with his eyes lowered.

 Her memory of Lin Zhenxun was so profound. If she hadn't remembered the past, how could she have spoken so deeply and deeply?

"No." Shen Ning's eyes flashed with panic, and she immediately shook her head calmly, "Uncle Marley told me. He said that Gucci is developing well now, and all overseas products have been launched. Thanks to Lin Zhenxun's help, He said Lin Zhenxun was kind, easy-going and approachable."

 She has recovered her memory and doesn’t want to tell anyone, including Li Zhenting!

"Oh, that's it." Li Zhenting nodded, "Indeed, Mr. Lin is very good, but it's a pity..."

 He said no more.

 “What’s a pity?” Shen Ning asked curiously.

"It's okay." Li Zhenting squeezed her hand, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone bully you and the children anymore, and I won't let go of those who have bullied you and the children."

Shen Ning glanced at him with no expression.

back door.

Liang Ruqi is sitting on the sofa looking at her mobile phone.

Little Stone came over crying. "Grandma, Keke bullied me and kicked me out." Xiao Shitou immediately complained when he saw his grandma and cried even more sadly.

Liang Ruqi saw her little grandson with tears and runny nose, and immediately got angry and asked angrily: "Why did he kick you out? Who is he?"

“Grandma, he said I shouldn’t stay in there to keep vigil for my great-grandfather. He said I wasn’t worthy, so he kicked me out.” Xiao Shitou wiped his tears.

"You are a pig, you won't resist. You are both great-grandsons of great-great-grandfather, so why are you unworthy? He came to the Li family halfway. Who knows whether it is true or not? He is unworthy. "Liang Ruqi glanced at Li Zhenting and Shen Ning standing outside, and her tone became even more harsh.

With so many gifts last night, Shen Ning didn't even share them with Mao. No one paid attention to her after she made a fuss. Now her son has driven away her grandson. This woman is really in heaven!

"Come, I'll go find her to comment. I want to see if she's still unreasonable." Just at this moment, Shen Ning walked inside, and Liang Ruqi immediately pulled Xiao Shitou towards her.

"Shen Ning, let me ask you, why did your son Keke drive Xiao Shitou out? He is also the great-grandson of the old man. Doesn't Xiao Shitou even have the qualifications to keep vigil for his great master? This is your son's ignorant behavior. Or did you teach it on purpose?" She asked Shen Ning angrily.

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment and glanced at Xiao Shitou. The child was crying sadly, as if his grandma had died.

“Little Shitou, tell me why Keke kicked you out?” She crossed her arms and looked expressionless.

Little Shitou raised his eyes and looked at her, only to see Shen Ning looking down at him, the light reflected in his eyes was like a knife, with a sharp thorn, as if it was about to pierce his face.

 He shrank in fear.

 “Because, because, he, I...” He stammered and was speechless.

"Little Stone, speak up and don't lie. If you lie, I will drive you out immediately and will not allow you to speak again."

coming. "Shen Ning's voice had no warmth.

His own child knows best. If the little stone hadn't **** off Keke, he wouldn't have been able to kick him out. Keke has never been a domineering and unreasonable child!

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