"Little Shitou, tell me, why are you hesitating? Keke is driving you out now. What are you afraid of?" Liang Ruqi got angry when she saw Xiao Shitou's useless appearance and shouted loudly.

Xiao Shitou immediately became bold after hearing what his grandma said. Anyway, no one punished him for making mistakes before, so he replied loudly: "It was Keke who kicked me out for no reason. He said that I was not worthy of keeping vigil for my great-grandfather. He bullied me." .”

"Okay." Shen Ning said coldly, "Then I'll let Coco come out and confront you."

 After saying that, she asked a servant next to her to bring Cocoa over.

 After a while, Coco, wearing black mourning clothes, came over.

 “Mommy, what’s going on?” Coco asked in a sweet voice.

"Keke, were you the one who drove the pebbles out?" Shen Ning asked gently.

"Yes." Ke Ke finally saw the arrogant Xiao Shitou standing beside him and the fierce-looking Liang Ruqi standing next to him, and admitted.

Upon hearing this, Little Stone raised his head even higher.

 “Why did you drive him out?” Shen Ning looked calm.

Coco glared at Xiao Shitou: "He stood behind us and always harmed us. He put ashes on my and Xiao Shitou's heads. I got angry and drove him out. He is really too bad."

Shen Ning's eyes turned cold and he looked at Xiao Shitou: "Why are you doing this?"

"I didn't." Xiao Shitou was panicked and quickly argued.

"You lied. It was obviously you who did it. I saw it with my own eyes." Coco was very angry when she heard that he lied.

At this time, Liang Ruqi said from the side: "Keke, you said it was a small stone that sprinkled ashes on your heads. Where is the ashes? Who can prove it?"

When Coco heard this, he replied: "I have already cleaned the ashes from my head."

 “Who did it for you? Did anyone see it?”

"No, I took it off myself." Coco replied, because his hair was short, and after the ash was scattered on his hair, he patted it off with his hand.

"Humph." Liang Ruqi snorted coldly and said, "I think you just made excuses to drive away the little stone and bully him. Otherwise, how could your hair be so clean? I didn't expect that your hair would be so clean." You are so scheming at your age.”

When Coco heard this, she became anxious and took Mommy's hand: "Mommy, I didn't lie. The little stone standing behind us always hurts us. It either steps on our heels or scatters paper ash on our heads. It's true." Yes, I didn’t lie to you.”

Shen Ning stroked his head and said softly: "Keke, don't worry, Mommy believes in you because you have always been good children and never lied."

 After saying that, she asked the servant next to her to bring Xiaoxiao over again.

 Xiaoxiao has long hair, and she has her hair **** in a bun. If paper dust is spilled on her head, it will not fall off easily.

 Soon, Xiaoxiao was brought over.


"Xiaoxiao, come on, turn your back." Shen Ning waved to her, and when she came over, he turned her around.

As soon as she turned around, she saw a lot of dust on her hair. She sneered and said to Liang Ruqi: "Aunt, come and take a look."

At this time, Liang Ruqi already knew that there must be something wrong with the little stone, and she felt a little guilty. When Shen Ning asked her to come over and take a look, she did not move and just said: "Even if there is paper dust on the little head, it is not necessarily a small stone." The one who threw it up, with so many children here, couldn't be someone else?"

"Okay." Shen Ning sneered, "Then let's check the surveillance. This time, I will never let go of the person who framed my child, whether he is an adult or a child."

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