Outside the glass wall.

Shen Ning huddled her hands in her fluffy gloves and looked coldly at the living room.

Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei were whispering.

 There was a cold light in her eyes.

 When these two women get together, they are definitely not talking about eating, drinking and having fun, but they are definitely talking about calculations and conspiracy.

  What they want to calculate is either her or the property related to the Li family.

 The wind and snow are still going on, with large tracts falling on the top of the head. It snowed all night last night, and it continues to snow today. Now the whole world is completely white.

 She blew in, and white mist came out of her mouth.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting hurriedly walked against the wind and snow, with anxiety on his face. When he saw her, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately hugged her into his arms, scolding, "Why don't you put on your hat? Look, there are snowflakes on your head, and you still have a headache. It will be even worse when the cold air invades, and you didn’t even say a word to me when you came here."

He brushed off the snow on her head, put his hat on for her, put his arm around her waist and said, "Go to bed early. There will be some guests tomorrow morning. You won't need to be by your side in the afternoon. We will go to the guest house the day after tomorrow." The funeral home is conducting the last rites to pay homage to his body.”

He put his arm around her waist and walked toward the living room, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei sitting together on the sofa in the living room, whispering, and his eyes immediately turned cold.

"Ning Ning, you have to stay away from these two women these days, and I will deal with them after I finish the old man's business." Li Zhenting warned softly, "In this case, tomorrow I will send Han Ye to protect you. If you need anything, just ask He's fine, he can solve it, I've been too busy these days and can't be distracted."

Now the busiest person in the entire Li family is Li Zhenting. He needs to make decisions on almost everything, and major events of the Li Group have to be reported to him. He is as busy as a top.

But no matter how busy he is, he is still worried about Shen Ning's safety. After all, Shen Ning has suffered too much and suffered too much in the Li family. It is necessary to transfer Han Ye to her side.

Han Ye is Baobiao who was trained by Lengxue. Like Lengxue, he is careful and meticulous in doing things and has excellent skills.

 He believed that he could protect Shen Ning.

"Okay, thank you." Shen Ning agreed without refusing.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to bed.” Li Zhenting put his arm around her waist and walked towards the stairs. Hearing the footsteps, Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei raised their eyes and were so frightened that they both stood up.

 In the hall.

Li Zhenting was passing in front of them with his arms around Shen Ning's waist. Li Zhenting's eyes were gentle, but when he saw the two of them, his eyes turned cold.

Shen Ning's face was expressionless.

After being frightened for a while, the two of them hurriedly exchanged words and walked in different directions.

After Li Zhenting sent Shen Ning upstairs, he checked the condition of the children and gave some instructions to the two special guards before walking out. It would be another busy night tonight.

"Zhen Ting." But as soon as he reached the stairs, he met Shen Mei. Shen Mei looked at him with sad eyes, pitiful.

 “What’s the matter?” Li Zhenting’s face was expressionless.

"Lan Lan is still writing reflections in the study. She hasn't had dinner yet and it's so late." Shen Mei looked at him pitifully with tears in her eyes.

Li Zhenting then thought of Lan Lan.

"Take her to have something to eat first and then go to bed. Get up tomorrow morning and continue writing reflections. If you haven't really changed, then you will do it every day." He gave a cold command and walked downstairs.

"Zhen Ting." Shen Mei suddenly rushed over from behind and hugged his waist, crying: "Zhen Ting, I know I was wrong. I'm sorry for you and Shen Ning. Please forgive me, don't treat Lan Lan So cruel, I will never do anything wrong again, please."

She began to mourn and weep.

 “Let go and get out.” Li Zhenting was furious and shouted.

 But Shen Mei not only did not let go, but hugged her even tighter.

Li Zhenting grabbed her arm with his strong hands and tried to throw her away, but the woman seemed determined to do this and hugged him with all her strength.

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