"Brother, I know that you and dad are good to me. But Lanlan is from the Li family. She should get the distribution of these properties. I still have to fight for her. Otherwise, she will have no status in the Li family in the future. Moreover, with her current situation in the Li family, I really don't feel safe leaving her." Shen Mei pulled Lin Shouyu's sleeves with tears and begged, "Please, brother, help me, Lan Lan I haven't had dinner yet and am still writing my reflections in the study. How can I feel relieved in this situation?"

"..." Lin Shouyu looked at Shen Mei's red and swollen eyes and humble plea, and his heart was sour, so he had to acquiesce.

 Shen Mei was happy in her heart, but there was no expression on her face.

"Thank you, brother. You're so kind to me. It's getting late. You should go to rest first. I want to take Lan Lan to have dinner and take her to bed." She immediately apologized and replied softly.

"I'll go with you." After today's experience, Lin Shoyu was worried that Shen Mei would be hurt, so Wen Yan said.

"Brother, thank you so much." Shen Mei's eyes were bright, and after thanking her sweetly, she limped upstairs. She almost fell down due to pain in her ankle after just a few steps. Lin Shoyu He supported her in time, but when Lin Shouyu held her arm, he screamed out in pain due to the pain in his arm. Lin Shouyu was so frightened that he immediately let go of her and simply held her arm. Shen Mei Then she took the opportunity to move closer to his arms, her chest close to Lin Shouyu's arm.

 For a moment, Lin Shouyu hesitated for a moment, then immediately let go of her and took several steps back.

 “Ouch.” Shen Mei lost her support, became unsteady and fell to the ground.

Lin Shoyu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly reached out to hold her arm tightly.

 The two of them found a balance and walked upstairs.

 Shen Mei groaned in pain along the way, but her heart was full of emotions, and she hit countless little ones until she came to the study.

“Mommy.” Lan Lan was very happy to see her and rushed towards her.

"Lan Lan, call uncle quickly." Shen Mei winked at her.

“Hello, uncle.” Lan Lan immediately called out sweetly.

“Well, Lan Lan, are you hungry?” Lin Shoyu asked kindly.

 “Yes.” Lan Lan nodded sharply.

“Uncle, would you like to take you out to eat delicious food?” Lin Shoyu asked with a smile.

“That’s great, uncle, I love you so much.” Lan Lan is a mother if she has breasts. She immediately rushed towards him and threw herself into his arms. They were extremely intimate. Shen Mei was smiling beside her.

"Then let's go." Lin Shouyu stood up holding Lan Lan, kissed her forehead, and walked outside with her in his arms.

 Shen Mei immediately followed behind.

Soon, Lin Shoyu drove the mother and daughter towards the best restaurant in the imperial capital.

in the dark.

Liang Ruqi’s eyes widened as she watched the extended Lincoln luxury car drive outside.

This Shen Mei is really capable, she even climbed up to Lin Shoyu.

Just now, when she came out of the mourning hall, she saw Lin Shouyu holding Lan Lan and walking outside with Shen Mei. Lan Lan, with a smile on her face, hugged Lin Shouyu's neck tightly and kissed him on the face. With.

And Shen Mei Chunfeng followed him proudly.

 Looking at this situation, they feel as close as a family.

 She was shocked and incredulous.

How could a man of such a high rank like Lin Shoyu get together with Shen Mei, a woman in prison? This is something that cannot be done with eight sticks. It is basically impossible. So what tricks did Shen Mei use to reach such a high position? It was given to me by Shanglin.

 Is it possible that Shen Mei is really capable?

 She returned to the living room with doubts, her eyes rolling around.

Li Zhenhuan kept calling her for the past two days, asking her to remit money. Every time, she screamed on the phone, which was too miserable to watch.

Liang Ruqi felt sorry for her son after all. She was anxious every day, but she didn't have so much money on hand, and her hair turned white from anxiety.

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