The night is getting deeper. After a few days of busy work, Li Wanqing feels dizzy and top-heavy.

She really couldn't hold it anymore and had to go to the bedroom to take a nap!

 She is also getting older and cannot bear such trouble.


 When she came to the corridor, she took a look inadvertently.

Only one person was seen walking towards the financial room with great respect.

This financial office was temporarily set up to cover various expenses for the old man's funeral.

She looked at the figure carefully, her face darkened, and her brain became clearer.

That figure was none other than Liang Ruqi.

  Why is she going to the finance room so late?

She became suspicious and followed softly behind.

 Soon, Liang Ruqi arrived at the door of the accounting room.

At this time, the accounting room door has been locked, and the cashier and accountant inside have already left work.

Liang Ruqi put her hand into her pocket, and after a while, she took out a bunch of keys.

Li Wanqing rubbed her eyes.

Oh my god, Liang Ruqi actually got the key to the finance room! This is great!

 How did she get it?

This woman will definitely not do anything good. She must have been keeping an eye on this area for a long time.

 Her face was as dark as iron.

At this time, Liang Ruqi had already opened the door of the accounting room, walked in quietly, and locked the door behind her.

 Then the lights inside were turned on.

Li Wanqing immediately came to the window and saw through the glass a blurry figure rummaging around.    She was very devoted to the search.

Li Wanqing didn't know what she was looking for, but it must be related to money, and she couldn't wait any longer.

 She took out the key from her pocket, opened the door immediately, and rushed in.

“Liang Ruqi, what are you doing?” she shouted.

Liang Ruqi was rummaging for financial seals, sweating all over her body, when unexpectedly the door opened from behind and Li Wanqing walked in.

Her shout almost scared her soul out.

"Sister-in-law." Her face turned pale, and she turned around and saw Li Wanqing staring at her sharply, with anger in his eyes. After being stunned, she immediately let out a smile.

"Liang Ruqi, let me ask you, what are you doing? Who asked you to enter the financial room? Where did you get your key?" Li Wanqing shouted angrily, pressing forward step by step.

Liang Ruqi has been put out a long time ago.

If she can't get enough money, then her son Li Zhenhuan will be useless. Now she just doesn't want her old face. Compared with her son's life, her old face is nothing. Besides, after so many years, in the Li family, she still has Do you have any face?

"Sister-in-law, to tell you the truth, I recently bought some things for the Li family. Of course I have to ask the finance department to reimburse the money, so I won't have to pay for it alone." Liang Ruqi said fiercely.

"What? How could I not know?" Li Wanqing would not believe her lies.

 Everything that the Li family needs to purchase must be approved by the head of the family. She, the head of the family, has never heard of it.

“I’m sorry, it’s something we added to our room. I think we shouldn’t let you know about the things we added to our room.”

Liang Ruqi simply acted like a rogue.

"Shouldn't the things you added to your room come from your own house? What does it have to do with the Li family's old house? These are the funds for the Li family's old house and the old man's funeral. You have such a beautiful idea that you actually started a fight. It came up with its idea, and why didn’t you just come and reimburse it openly and in broad daylight, so secretly in the middle of the night, and even stole the key? I didn’t expect that you would do such an illegal thing when you are dozens of years old. ”

Li Wanqing spoke sternly and stretched out her hand:

 “What on earth is it? Let me take a look.”

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