Shen Ning woke up refreshed and in good spirits the next day.

 Professor Davell and Ji Qingshan really deserve their reputation!

 With the follow-up care of these two top experts, it is difficult to get better.

 The medicine they gave was very useful. Shen Ning's mind became clearer day by day, and the pain also decreased.

She took the children downstairs and found out that Li Wanqing had fallen ill, so she hurriedly went to visit her in the bedroom.

Li Wanqing was wearing a thick winter hat, her face was pale, and she was lying with her eyes closed.

 “Mom.” Shen Ning bent down and called softly.

“Ning Ning, you’re here.” Li Wanqing opened her eyes when she heard Shen Ning’s voice.

"Mom, are you feeling better?" Shen Ning asked with concern.

“I’m getting better, but I’m dizzy and can’t get over it. That’s what happens when you get old.” Li Wanqing took a breath and replied.

“Mom, you are tired, take a good rest and leave the things here to me.” Shen Ning comforted her softly.

 “Are you okay?” Li Wanqing looked at her with her eyes open.

 She had a narrow escape and was so seriously injured, how could she worry about it? She was really worried!

"Mom, I have been recuperating for a while. Moreover, I am still young and my functions can be repaired relatively quickly. I can do it." Shen Ning nodded.

"Okay, kid, there's really nothing we can do. I don't worry about others. Leave all your little things to Butler Luo and Butler Qiu. Just take charge of the big things. If you have any questions, just ask me. I should rest for two days. It'll get better." Li Wanqing could only agree and handed her a bag on the bedside.

Shen Ning took it and comforted him: "Mom, don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Thank you, child." Li Wanqing's eyes were moist. If she could have seen the truth earlier, maybe Shen Ning would have been able to avoid that disaster. It was really hard for her.

"You're welcome, that's right." Shen Ning held her hand.

Li Wanqing sighed.

 In the study.

 Shen Ning pushed open the door of the study room.

Liang Ruqi was curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. As soon as the door opened, she opened her eyes.

“Shen Ning, let me out quickly.” She got up and shouted loudly.

"Oh, it turns out to be my aunt. I heard that there was a thief in the finance room yesterday and I didn't know who it was, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect that it was really you. Hey, you are already so old, and you are actually starting to do this. The thief is here, I didn't expect that a woman from the wealthy Liang family would be so mean." A cold smile appeared on Shen Ning's lips, and she said sarcastically.

Liang Ruqi’s face was astringent.

"Shen Ning, don't be too proud. Winners are kings and losers are culprits. I admit that the power of the Li family now belongs to your room. You win, and it is up to you to decide. But after all, I am also the elder of the Li family. It is a crime for you to detain me privately like this, let me out quickly." Liang Ruqi shouted loudly.

"Auntie, I hear you say this as if whoever is in charge can do whatever they want. Public property belongs to the public, and whoever is in charge has a financial system. How can you mess around? Your thinking is wrong. Until now, you don't know why. The reason why the head of the Li family never gets involved in you is fortunate that the old man and the old lady are shrewd, otherwise, based on your behavior now, if you were the head of the family, the Li family would have been in trouble long ago."

"Okay, Shen Ning, you don't need to lecture me like a yellow-haired girl, you are nothing." Liang Ruqi stood up and rushed towards Shen Ning, preparing to grab the door and leave.

Shen Ning sneered and moved away.

"Where are you going?" Just when Liang Ruqi was about to rush out, there was a sudden shout and a young man stopped at the door and pushed Liang Ruqi's heavy body in.

Liang Ruqi could not stand firmly and fell to the ground.

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