"What's there to say?" Shen Ning turned around and walked slowly to her, with sharp eyes, and whispered, "Liang Ruqi, back then you had people lure me to the back mountain and push me off the cliff, intending to kill me. At that time, have you ever thought about my feelings? You are so heartless and can do illegal and criminal things, do you still have humanity? Don’t you have children of your own? Doesn’t your conscience hurt? "

Shen Ning asked in a voice that made Liang Ruqi's heart tremble and her face turn pale.

"No, Ning Ning, it wasn't me who harmed you, it was Rao Yajing. She did it all. She is already in jail." She immediately defended.

"That's enough." Shen Ning shouted sharply, "Do you think everyone in the world is a fool? Who doesn't know that you are behind this and it's all your conspiracy. It's just that you are cunning enough to let the fool Rao Yajing bear all the charges. , I really admire you. Rao Yajing is your daughter-in-law and the mommy of your grandchildren. You, an old woman, don’t go to jail, but you let your daughter-in-law stand up to you. Don’t your grandchildren need a mommy? You What's the use of an old woman staying at home? Can she replace the role of mommy? You are so selfish!"

“…” Liang Ruqi’s lips trembled and she was speechless.

Shen Ning glanced at her disdainfully and turned away.

 "No, Shen Ning..." Liang Ruqi shouted desperately.

 But Shen Ning never looked back.

Han Ye locked the door and then really turned off the air conditioner.

Liang Ruqi collapsed on the ground.

 Outside the lobby, Li Zhenting was welcoming guests.

Shen Ning followed him and stood beside him.

"Ning Ning, are you okay?" Li Zhenting asked with concern, her face was a little pale.

"It's okay, don't worry." Shen Ning shook his head.

"I heard from mom that she has left all the housework to you, can you do it?" Li Zhenting protected Shen Ning on the left side, blocking the cold wind and heavy snow, and straightened the hair on her head with his left hand.

"It's okay. There are only some big things that need to be dispatched. Most of the other things are left to Butler Qiu and Butler Luo."

“Thank you for your hard work, come to me anytime if you need anything.” Li Zhenting held her hand. "Okay." Shen Ning lowered his eyes.

At ten o'clock, Li Zhenting let Shen Ning in, and he and Li Jinyao took on the reception task.

As soon as Shen Ning returned to the finance room, she immediately started sorting out some of the projects that Li Wanqing had given her. After thinking about it, she asked Sister Wang to send a bowl of noodles to Liang Ruqi.

 After a while, Han Ye hurried over.

“Young lady, Liang Ruqi has escaped.”

 It turned out that Sister Wang walked out after giving Liang Ruqi a meal and did not lock the door.

After Liang Ruqi devoured the noodles, she was secretly happy when she saw that the door was not locked. She immediately opened the door and ran out, but was discovered by Han Ye.

Shen Ning said calmly: "Just run away. In this way, Han Ye, from now on, you will always keep an eye on Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei, and let me know if they make any movement."

Han Ye was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand what Shen Ning meant, agreed and left.

Shen Ning narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips in an unpredictable arc.

It turned out that when she asked Sister Wang to deliver the meal to Liang Ruqi, she did not ask her to lock the door, but deliberately left a hole for Liang Ruqi to escape.

Firstly, Liang Ruqi is old. She stayed in the study all night last night and now turned off the heater. She is also worried that something will happen to her. Secondly, now that Shen Mei is staying at Li's house, she has always suspected that Shen Mei is pretending to be her. Sneaking into the Li family was related to Liang Ruqi, otherwise she would not have been able to enter the Li family so smoothly. Liang Ruqi must have been involved, but there is no evidence.

And if Shen Mei stays here now, she must have her own purpose. Yesterday, she saw Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei sitting in the living room, whispering. These two women must be doing bad things when they stay together. As for the end What bad thing he was going to do, she didn't know.

To find out, she could only find out by following them. Therefore, she deliberately let Liang Ruqi go and let Han Ye follow them.

This time, she can no longer let others plot against her. She wants to protect herself and her children, and she also wants to take revenge.

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