As soon as Liang Ruqi left, Shen Mei came down with Lan Lan.

 She has already found out what happened last night.

 Now that Li Wanqing is ill, Shen Ning is in charge.

The thing she despises the most in her life is Shen Ning's brilliance. Perhaps this is the concept that Lan Feiyun instilled in her since she was a child. She has pink eye, and she especially can't see Shen Ning's life being better than hers.

“Sister.” After Shen Ning finished her work in the finance room, she met Shen Mei as soon as she walked to the living room. Shen Mei immediately called her affectionately.

As soon as Shen Ning raised her eyes, she saw Shen Mei's face that looked exactly like hers, and she couldn't help but feel sick to the point of vomiting.

 “What are you going to do?” She stared at her coldly.

"Sister, don't be like this. Although we are not born to the same mother, we have grown up together." Shen Mei smiled humbly, but Shen Ning saw despicable, shameless and disgusting expressions in her eyes. .

"Please don't call me sister, I can't afford it. Ever since I was a child, you have taken away everything from me, including my father. You try to bully me every day and deprive me of what belongs to me. You and I are not together. I grew up under your oppression. Now, what shame do you have to come to be related to me?" Shen Ning spoke sharply, "Remember, you framed me and beat and scolded my children. We We are already sworn enemies, please be careful in the future and don’t do things that harm others or yourself, otherwise I will never forgive you.”

  Shen Ning left after finishing speaking.

"Sister, I saw Dad last night. There was such a heavy snowstorm and he was lying under the bridge shivering." Shen Mei followed up and said.

Shen Ning stood still, his face was calm, and he raised his eyebrows: "In that case, why don't you raise him and provide for him until the end of his life? Don't forget that you were raised by him. From childhood to adulthood, he will be the last I have given you all the good things and answered your requests. Now you have become Lin Shoyu's biological sister. You can have whatever you want. It is the right thing to raise an old man."

Shen Deshun's ruthlessness towards her has long chilled her heart. Now when talking about him, she has no feeling at all. Shen Mei chuckled and replied with a smile: "Sister, I haven't returned to the Lin family yet. I really don't have much money, and the Li family doesn't want to see me now. I really have no ability, but you, now As the head of the Li family, it is not a trivial matter to help your father. And you also know that Shen Deshun is your biological father, and I will be a member of the Lin family from now on. He and I are not related by blood. I'm going to the United States soon, and I really can't take care of him, so you are the one who really should take responsibility."

 ‘Hmph, aren’t you so proud of yourself? I just want to make you an alcoholic dad to make you sick! ’

 Shen Mei’s eyebrows are dancing with joy!

"You are overthinking. Shen Deshun and I have severed our parent-child relationship a long time ago. We are no longer father and daughter. He has no shame to come to me, so what qualifications do you have to talk to me? He has raised you for so many years, you shouldn't Are you going to give him a pension and see him through the end of his life? The Shen family's money has been lost to you and your mother. It's really shameless for you to say such things now.

Let's do this. I won't embarrass you. You can do a paternity test with Shen Deshun tomorrow and show me the paternity test results. If it can be proven that you are not his biological daughter, then you don't have to be responsible for him. How about I take care of him until his death? "Shen Ning's sharp eyes stared at her without blinking, not missing any expression on her face.

Her last words made Shen Mei's face turn pale and her eyes felt weak.

  Shen Ning What does this mean? Let her take a paternity test?

 Did she discover anything?

"Oh, sister, I'm just telling you about what I saw about Dad last night. It's your business whether you want it or not. I've already conveyed what I should convey. It's up to you to decide." Shen Mei avoided Shen Ning's eyes, laughed, turned around and left.

Shen Ning looked at her back with a sharp cold light in her eyes.

She said that on purpose. Ever since she found out that Shen Mei was Lin Shoyu's biological sister, although she didn't care, she still had some doubts. After all, how could a man as virtuous and respected as Lin Zhenxun sleep with a lowly person like Lan Feiyun? As for a woman of higher level, she was deliberately testing.

Shen Mei left in a hurry. Is there really something wrong with her?

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