In Lanlan’s bedroom.

 Shen Mei sat on the bed and felt uneasy.

 Shen Ning's last words made her eyelids jump.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

 She picked it up and saw that it was Liang Ruqi calling.

Originally, she didn't want to answer it, but Liang Ruqi's phone kept ringing, and she didn't feel confident, so she picked it up.

 “What’s the matter?” she asked coldly.

"Shen Mei, I'm telling you, be careful. Shen Ning is different now. She is very powerful now. Don't let her get away with you." Liang Ruqi reminded her.

Shen Mei's eyelids twitched suddenly, and she felt exactly like this now! Liang Ruqi's reminder made her heart sink.

"okay, I get it."

“Shen Mei, come out, I’ll discuss something with you.” At this time, Liang Ruqi said on the phone.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at home."

Shen Mei frowned: "Shouldn't you be in the old man's mourning hall?"

"This... little stone was driven out by them, wasn't it? I have to accompany him." Liang Ruqi explained, she couldn't say that she escaped.

"It's too cold. If you have anything to do, just talk on the phone." Shen Mei glanced out the window. It was already dark. She didn't want to meet her. In her eyes, she was already down and out and had no use. The value was not worth braving the cold to meet her in person.

"Okay." Of course Liang Ruqi knew what she was thinking. Shen Mei was much simpler than Lan Feiyun. Although she was arrogant, it showed on the outside and could easily be used by her, so she deliberately lowered her voice. , asked extremely mysteriously, "Is there no one else next to you now? I'm afraid it's inconvenient to speak."

 “No one, I’m in Lanlan’s room.”

“Well, let me tell you, I went into the finance room last night, and what do you think I saw?”

Shen Mei's ears perked up: "What did you see?"

"Let me tell you, I saw the old man's will." Liang Ruqi paused there and whispered, "It's in a document bag. It's clearly written on it. It's the old man's will about property distribution."

“Then have you seen the content?” Shen Mei asked nervously.

"No." Liang Ruqi said, "Originally, I wanted to watch it, but Shen Ning came over at the critical moment and I couldn't watch it."

"Oh." Shen Mei said "Oh", looking a little thoughtful.

"Shen Mei, let me tell you, you can sneak in and take a look today to see what is written in the will and whether it is Lan Lan's fault. Find out earlier and we will make preparations. You can take pictures with your mobile phone." Liang Ruqi was encouraging there. road.

Shen Mei still has some brains: "Auntie, shouldn't this will be in the hands of a lawyer? How could it be placed in the financial office?"

"Oh, you don't understand. It's a copy. It's just about the property distribution that has been handed over to the finance office. After all, the old man will be sent to the funeral parlor tomorrow. After the cremation and funeral, the property distribution will be brought up soon. It’s normal to put it in the finance office because it’s related to the financial allocation. If you don’t put it there, where should I put it?” Liang Ruqi immediately explained.

 “Oh, that’s right.” Shen Mei agreed.

"So, let's understand in advance that if the property distribution is uneven, we will go together to make trouble. This will have a better chance of winning. As the saying goes, it's hard to fight alone. We must unite to defeat them." Liang Ruqi said seriously.

Shen Mei's face was indifferent, and there was a cold smile on her lips.

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