"This is indeed a heavy topic. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it." Lin Shoyu felt uncomfortable looking at Shen Ning's sadness, and apologized again.

At this point, he could deduce that Shen Ning's mother should have died when she was an adult, while his sister lost her mother when she was born. They should not have the same mother.

He felt a little regretful and gave up asking. He took another sip of **** syrup, but there was still a bit of embarrassment in the air.

 But for Lin Shouyu, no matter how awkward it is, he can still feel a natural sense of intimacy.

"Mr. Lin, you said you wanted to talk to me, but this is what you want to talk about?" Shen Ning asked indifferently after taking a sip of sugar water.

"No, what I want to say is about Shen Mei." Lin Shoyu shook his head slightly, apologetically, "I have already understood it. Shen Mei did hurt you before and was very unfriendly to you. As her natal family Man, I feel very sorry, so I sincerely apologize to you on her behalf and am willing to make any compensation to you."

“So, Mr. Lin thinks that money can buy everything? Including injuries.” Shen Ning sneered.

"No, I can't, but now that something has happened, I can't help it. I have to find a solution." Lin Shoyu felt helpless.

"For your sake, I might be able to forgive her, but she beat and scolded my children, causing them serious psychological trauma. She even tried to drug my children. She was so crazy that she could hurt me. , but it will never be forgiven for hurting my children, so you don’t have to waste your time on me, I will not forgive her." Shen Ning said expressionlessly, "Next, regarding her crime, I will To safeguard my legitimate rights and interests through legal means."

Lin Shouyu's face turned a little cold.

"Well, Miss Shen, I would like to discuss with you. Your company Guqi is now cooperating with our Lin Group. I am willing to give you profits. I can even give you all the overseas profits, and I will provide you with imported spices unconditionally. But there is only one condition, that is, please let go of my sister Shen Mei, forgive her, and let go of the blame. I will take her back to the United States soon. I will educate her well in the future and never let her do bad things again. Well, as you know, we are all businessmen. The last thing a businessman wants to do is to go to court, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. And I don’t want to leave any regrets or let you down. So, can you please look at the relationship between our two families? For the sake of cooperation, let's make peace, okay?" Lin Shoyu begged in an almost pleading tone.

Shen Ning felt sour in her heart when she heard this.

 How good it feels to have family members.

A woman like Shen Mei actually had a brother to intercede for her, no matter how much the price was. She had longed for such family affection. At that time, even if Shen Deshun could treat her one ten thousandth of the way, even if he could treat her badly, If she said a few gentle words of concern for her, her heart would not be so cold.

 But her whole life was spent in pain and coldness, except for her mother.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I said, I can forgive her for your sake, but she can never forgive her for hurting my children. Mr. Lin, put away your kindness, Gu Qi and the Lin Group The cooperation is fair and transparent, and I only need to get what I deserve. If you don't want anything else, you can't ask for it, otherwise it will be unfair to your Lin family." Shen Ning flatly refused.

She had already found out how the oxygen tube was removed on the day her mother died. Even if Lan Feiyun died, she would not be able to forgive Shen Mei, she was an accomplice!

"Not all sins can be forgiven. Those who deserve to be reported must be punished! Otherwise, there will be no justice in this world. You can use your privileges to stand above the law, and I can also take up the weapon of the law to protect my own. You and I are both right about rights and interests, so let's see what we can do." Shen Ning's face was expressionless and her tone was firm.

Lin Shouyu was annoyed after hearing this, but he had no choice but to walk away angrily.

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