"Okay, Mom, I understand. These are my accounts for today. Do you want to see them?" Shen Ning took out a stack of receipts and invoices from the small bag and asked.

"No, you can just handle it. I don't need to read it. You can do this better than me." Li Wanqing smiled.

  When Shen Ning was in charge of the Li family, she kept the house in good order and she never had to worry about it. Now of course she believed in Shen Ning.

"Thank you, Mom, for your trust." Shen Ning also smiled. After talking to her, he left without fear of affecting her rest.

"Mrs. Li." Someone called her as soon as she came out and went upstairs.

 She looked up.

Lin Shouyu was standing in the corridor. The frames of his black gold spectacles occasionally shone with gold in the night. The dark pupils in the lenses were deep, highlighting his mysterious and unpredictable temperament.

"Mr. Lin, are you okay?" He was standing on the stairs, facing her, as if he was waiting for her, so she paused and asked.

"can we talk?"

"Of course."

"Let's go and sit in the study." Shen Ning pointed to Li Zhenting's study upstairs.


The two of them walked into Nuo Da's study. Shen Ning started to boil hot water and said, "It's very cold at night. Let's make some **** soup and drink it to warm up."

 “Thank you.” Lin Shoyu sat down on the sofa.

Shen Ning was busy opposite him.

Lin Shouyu's eyes fell on her, slightly dazed.

For some reason, he always felt that Shen Ning had an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy, which was much better than when he faced Shen Mei.

 When he looked at her, his mother's face would appear in his mind. His mother was really suffering. She had been looking down on and bullying him all those years.

 Gradually, the circles under his eyes turned red. "Mr. Lin, please drink the **** soup." At some point, the water boiled, and Shen Ning had already made the steaming **** syrup and put it in front of him, but he was still looking at her blankly. Shen Ning cleared her throat. The voice had no choice but to remind him.

"Oh, thank you." Lin Shoyu immediately withdrew his eyes, a little embarrassed, and continued to thank him.

The atmosphere is slightly awkward.

"Miss Shen, did you and Shen Mei grow up together?" Lin Shoyu asked with concern after taking a sip of **** syrup.

 But it was better not to ask. Once asked, Shen Ning's face sank slightly.

 “No.” She replied coldly.

Lin Shouyu's eyes fell on the bridge of her nose. It was so similar. Shen Mei's nose had obvious signs of being trimmed, but hers was almost a replica of her mother's.

At this moment, he almost suspected that Shen Ning and Shen Mei had made a mistake. Shen Ning should be his biological sister, right?

But the fact is that that day, it was clearly him and Shen Mei who went to do the paternity test. Could it be that she and Shen Mei were twins?

"Where is your mother? Where is she from?" He had doubts in his heart and asked.

Shen Ning's face became even colder: "My mother is dead."

"Dead? I'm sorry." Lin Shoyu was surprised and immediately apologized, but he asked unwillingly:

 “Excuse me, when did your mother die?”

Shen Ning said mockingly: "Mr. Lin, what do you suspect? Are you still worried that I am also a fake? The investigation is so detailed, it's like checking the household registration."

"Oh, no, I'm just curious. Miss Shen is so elegant and well-educated. I wonder which mother can educate her daughter so well." Lin Shoyu complimented from the bottom of his heart.

 When she mentioned her mother Shao Meiqi and thought of her death, Shen Ning's eyes turned red and her heart was filled with sadness.

"My mother is mediocre, but she has always taught me to be kind, sincere, and magnanimous in my behavior. She is the person I respect and love the most. When she left me, it was my most difficult moment. I couldn't save her. , I'm sorry for her." Shen Ning said coldly, a chill flashed across her eyes.

At that time, she asked Li Zhenting for help, but he ignored her and stayed away all night. This debt also hurt her heart!

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