Liang Ruqi looked down at her phone, a proud smile appeared on her lips, and she deliberately waited for a while before answering the call.

"Auntie." Shen Mei's attitude became much better. "You said that there is the old man's will in the finance room. May I ask how you got in?"

"Meimei." Liang Ruqi was very enthusiastic and spoke in a friendly voice, "I have already obtained the key to the finance room, and the key is in my hand, so I asked you out."

"Okay, I'll come and get it." Shen Mei agreed.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” Liang Ruqi smiled.



Shen Ning was sorting out today's expense list when the door opened and Han Ye walked in.

“Young lady, Shen Mei just went out, I followed her and she went to Liang Ruqi’s house.”

Shen Ning raised his brows, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

“Why did she go to Liang Ruqi’s house?”

"I don't know. I couldn't follow her in, so I could only stay outside. About twenty minutes later, she came out again, and then returned to Lan Lan's bedroom. But before going upstairs, she looked around in the living room. Later, she went He walked back and forth in the corridor, walking back and forth in front of the financial room door, looking in from time to time, and after a while he returned to the living room and went upstairs." Han Ye reported truthfully.

 Shen Ning narrowed his eyes.

 It seems that Liang Ruqi failed to achieve her goal and wanted Shen Mei to take action.

 In front of the wily Liang Ruqi, Shen Mei can only be cannon fodder.

Shen Ning thought for a while and said, "Han Ye, you must keep an eye on the finance room and get the evidence. Tell me immediately if there is any news."

"Don't worry, young lady, I can do it." Han Ye agreed and left.

 Shen Ning's eyes flashed with a cold light of disdain and ridicule.

She would like to know what these two vicious women want to do?

She will never be bullied or harmed by them again, and she will take revenge! Let them pay the punishment they deserve.

 The night is getting deeper and deeper. After Shen Ning sorted everything out, she went to Li Wanqing's bedroom first.

Li Wanqing was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her face flushed. She seemed to be in better spirits after a day of rest.

 “Mom.” Shen Ning bent down and called softly.

"Ning Ning." Li Wanqing opened her eyes immediately when she heard Shen Ning's voice, "How is it? Can you bear it?"

"It's okay. With Butler Qiu and Butler Luo here, I only need to take care of some major things. It won't be too difficult." Shen Ning replied.

“Well, Ning Ning, thank you for your hard work.”

"It's okay, Mom, just rest peacefully and leave these to me." Shen Ning held her hand and comforted her.

"Thank you." Li Wanqing felt very guilty, "I misunderstood you before, and that was because I was deceived by Liang Ruqi. I hope you don't mind. I have always liked you very much and treated you as my own daughter. Li Shi I originally wanted to transfer the villa in the castle to your famous family. Some time ago, Shen Mei pretended to be you and transferred it to her name. However, Tian Zhenting has taken back all her illegally obtained properties. Wait. When I go back this time, I will transfer everything to your name, which can be regarded as a kind of affirmation to you."

"Mom, where did you go? That villa is yours and I won't want it. Besides, you have been deceived. Don't worry, that page has been turned a long time ago. I have forgotten it. I won't. I care." Shen Ning held her hand tightly.

Li Wanqing sighed after hearing this.

Shen Ning still has amnesia now. She suffered too much in the Li family.

"By the way, Mom, I want to ask you, is there a will in the finance office, was it left by the old man during his lifetime?" After a while, Shen Ning asked softly.

Li Wanqing was stunned for a moment and then replied: "That will was indeed the old man's arrangement for his property after his death, but it was made a month ago. Later, he drafted it again and left it with his lawyer."

I see!

That will is invalid!

No wonder it was placed in the finance office so casually, but perhaps the staff in the finance office didn't know either. After all, only Li Wanqing knew these core contents.

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