"Shen Mei, open the first drawer on the right. There is an official seal there. Help me bring it out." Liang Ruqi immediately ordered.

"Why are you so anxious? I haven't found the will yet." Shen Mei frowned in disgust.

This woman is really selfish and only cares about her own affairs.

 She began to look for the will.

Sure enough, I didn’t look for it for long before I saw a will placed on the desk.

She immediately picked it up, opened it and looked at it, and her face was distorted with anger.

 There is a long list in the will.

 It is all about the distribution of property.

 She has carefully searched every line of the words, and indeed there is no trace of Lan Lan.

Mr. Li really thinks that Lanlan is not his great-granddaughter. Lanlan is the only one who does not have such a large amount of property. It is too prejudiced.

 For a moment, her face turned red with anger and her chest heaved violently.

Mr. Li, why don’t you give Lan Lan inheritance? Do you think I will let it go?

 At this moment, her cell phone rang again.

She glanced at Liang Ruqi's name on her phone and suddenly remembered something. She then looked up the names of Liang Ruqi's family on the list, which finally made her laugh.

As usual, there was no name of Liang Ruqi's room on it, not a single one. This finally made her find some balance in her heart. Then, she read it again. This time, her dissatisfaction was filled again.

I saw in the list that Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, and even the newly born Xixi and Beibei all occupied a large amount of inheritance, whether it was equity, real estate and a large amount of gold bars, but Lanlan didn't even have a spitting star. ! .

 She turned red with anger again and slapped her palms on the table.

  She walked around the room, found Liang Ruqi’s WeChat account, and sent her the list.

 Not long after, Liang Ruqi called.

Soon, the two frustrated people fell in love with each other.

"Shen Mei, am I right? Our family does not have a share in the inheritance, nor does Lanlan's share."

 “Yes, it’s too much.” Shen Mei was indignant.

"Well, since we have nothing anyway, we might as well play the big game." Liang Ruqi originally wanted to use Shen Mei to monopolize it, but now she can't complete the task without Shen Mei, so she can only reluctantly give up.

 “What’s big?”

"They all have property rights, but we don't. We definitely can't give up, so we have to rely on ourselves."

Shen Mei asked puzzledly: "Then how do we rely on ourselves? You should tell me."

"In this case, you listen to me first and take out the official seal from the drawer on the far right. Be quick, and then I will tell you what should we do next? Don't worry, although we can't get the equity property, they don't have the cash. I want it, it belongs to both of us." Liang Ruqi said calmly.

"Okay, Auntie, I'll listen to you. If I really want to get some benefits, I'll thank you." Shen Mei had no choice but to do this.

"Okay, that's something to talk about later. Take out the official seal quickly. Someone will come back later." Liang Ruqi urged.

Shen Mei immediately opened the drawer on the right. Sure enough, there was the official seal of the Finance Office inside, and she immediately took it in her hand.

"Have you got it? Come out quickly. There is already a car coming back over there." At this time, Liang Ruqi urged over there.

"Okay, I'll be out right away." Shen Mei agreed, put her official seal in her pocket, hung up the phone, turned off the light, and walked out quietly.

As soon as I walked out of the villa, I saw the car coming back from the house.

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