"Auntie." Shen Mei came out and went directly to Liang Ruqi's study.

"Meimei, please sit down quickly." Liang Ruqi greeted her warmly and brought her hot and fine tea.

"Auntie, you just said you wanted to do something big, what do you mean?" Shen Mei asked after taking a sip of tea, not in a hurry to take out the official seal.

Over the years, she has become less impulsive than before, and has become more thoughtful.

Liang Ruqi leaned closer to her and whispered:

"Meimei, let me tell you, the inheritance distributed by the old man does not include cash. He has a lot of cash..."

"How much do you mean by a lot? Can you give me an approximate number?" Before she could finish her words, Shen Mei interrupted her anxiously.

Liang Ruqi looked around and got closer to her: "Rao Yajing used to be a housekeeper in the house. She knows very well that the old man still has at least one billion in cash in his account."

 As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Mei's eyes lit up.

Oh my god, with so much money, even if she had calculated in Li's Castle before, she would never have been able to get so much.

"How's it going? Is that enough?" Liang Ruqi looked at her and laughed, "Don't tell others. I only know this, and even Shen Ning may not know it."

"Yes, if it is true, it is indeed a lot." Shen Mei nodded affirmatively.

"So, so much money is mainly spent on funerals. The purchase was arranged by Li Zhenting. Most of the other accounts are not detailed. It is okay to get a few million casually, but of course our goal is more than these few million Well, at least I’ll get hundreds of millions of flowers.”

"Okay, Auntie, how do you think we can get the money?" Shen Mei's eyes were full of red bills, stacks of them flying, and all the cells in her body came alive. As long as she can get money, or cash, Even without real estate equity, it would be enough for her to spend her whole life. This cannot be underestimated. No wonder Liang Ruqi is making up her mind.

"Don't worry, I have a way, but I'm having a little difficulty here at the moment. Please take out the official seal first and let me get three million for an emergency." At this time, Liang Ruqi returned to the topic.

“Auntie, how do you use the official seal?” Shen Mei was puzzled. "Of course it's easy to use." Liang Ruqi smiled and took out a stack of invoices, "These are the expenses for the old man's funeral. As long as they are stamped, you don't have to worry about Li Zhenting not reimbursing them, and these are all actually used at the funeral. , don’t worry about anything.”

It turned out that Liang Ruqi broke into the finance room last night and Shen Ning found those antique invoices and she would not dare to use them again. So, she racked her brains and thought of the funeral ceremony held today at the funeral parlor for Mr. Li, who happened to be the director of the funeral parlor. It was her relative, so she got some flower tickets, half-truth and half-falsehood.

After the whole ceremony, it was at least tens of millions. She got three million by herself, which was just enough to redeem Li Zhenhuan. As long as these invoices were stamped with the financial office's seal and mixed into the financial office's accounts, she She could get the money through the curator. In order to avoid suspicion, she asked Shen Mei to take out the official seal for her. In this way, even if Shen Ning found out that the accounts were wrong afterwards, there would be no evidence and the trouble would not come to her.

Shen Mei was not stupid either. Realizing that she was being used, she immediately asked, "Auntie, won't Shen Ning be suspicious after you stamp these invoices?"

"What are you doubting? This is indeed the cost of the old man's funeral."

 “Aren’t Li Wanqing and Shen Ning responsible for the expenses of the old man’s funeral? No matter what, they won’t be in your hands.”

“That’s why I asked you to bring out your official seal.”

"After all, you still committed fraud." Shen Mei said coldly, "In this case, you made money, but I have nothing. Once someone discovers that I stole the official seal, why should I do this? Doing it."

 Shen Mei just didn't show the official seal.

Liang Ruqi was anxious: "I just said that we are going to do something big, and each of us will have hundreds of millions in cash. I am in urgent need of money right now, and I have no choice."

"No, if you get three million at once, you have to give me one million before I can do it. Otherwise, my efforts will be in vain." Shen Mei demanded immediately.

A chill flashed across Liang Ruqi's eyes.

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