In another lounge.

As soon as Shen Ning sat down, Gong Lianmei hurried in.

"Young lady, I just cleaned up the invoice accounts and found that some accounts are inconsistent with expenditures, and the invoice items seem to be repeated, and the amount is larger than the original advance." Gong Lianmei discovered these problems after cleaning up all morning, and hurriedly hurried Came over to report to Shen Ning.

“Approximately how big is it?” Shen Ning asked calmly.

“I did the math, and it’s roughly more than three and a half million.”

“What specific aspects does it refer to?”

“It’s just the expenses for the two days at the funeral home.”

“Is the invoice provided by the funeral home’s finance department?”

“Yes, they are all signed by the curator, and some of them are signed by the young master.”

Shen Ning's eyes were calm and she said calmly: "If this is the case, then it is normal. Three and a half million is not too big, so let's leave it at that."

"It's just, young mistress, this..." Gong Lianmei is a financial veteran. She knows that the money can be taken out and re-examined, and she can even confront the curator. Although the Li family is rich, three and a half million is not a small amount. Yes, according to Shen Ning's previous family management style, it would have to be settled every dollar or cent, but now...she would immediately remind her.

Shen Ning waved her hand and said, "Sister Gong, you have worked hard. You have the afternoon off. Go back and rest for half a day. You have worked very hard during this period. Remember to take the key to the finance room."

 After speaking, she yawned, her face looking tired.

At one glance at Xi Lianmei, she could only forget it.

When her family didn't pursue the matter, what was the use of being a financial officer struggling, so she smiled and agreed.

As soon as she left, Shen Ning immediately dialed Han Ye's cell phone.

 “Young mistress.”

"Han Ye, last night Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei calculated that 3.5 million yuan was taken away from the finance office. Go check and find out what they wanted the money for?" Shen Ning's eyes narrowed and she ordered in a deep voice.

When Han Ye heard this, he immediately said: "Young lady, I have something to report to you." "What's the matter?"

"Young Madam, I have found out that Liang Ruqi's son Li Zhenhuan is gambling in Macao and now owes the Black Boss three million. He has been detained there. If she cannot pay the money, Li Zhenhuan will be imprisoned immediately. They crippled him!" Han Ye immediately reported to her.

Shen Ning was startled for a moment, so that’s it!

No wonder Liang Ruqi is making money everywhere!

 Gamble, spend time and money, no matter how much money you have, it will be wasted!

 Three and a half million, this number is considered reasonable.

“Young mistress, do you want to ask Liang Ruqi to get back the money she stole?” Han Ye asked from the side.

 Shen Ning shook his head after a long while.

No matter how hateful Li Zhenhuan is, we can't watch him being beaten to death.

 “Forget it, leave him a way to survive.” Her voice was light.

"But young lady, if they continue like this, it will be a bottomless pit. Their wealth has been emptied out. When something happens, they can only find ways to defraud the public. It is really not a problem if they continue like this." Han Ye was very worried.

“So, it’s important to save people, but you still need to teach them a lesson.” Shen Ning pondered.

Li Zhenhuan refuses to change despite repeated admonitions. If this continues, it will cause immeasurable losses to the Li family not only in terms of reputation and property, but will also bring bad influence to the Li family's family tradition.

“Then young lady, how should we teach them a lesson?” Han Ye asked.

Shen Ning said: "In this way, you can follow them first and report their situation to me every day. Then I will have my own ideas."

"Okay." Han Ye agreed, sincerely admiring Shen Ning for his kindness and kindness.

 He turned and walked away.

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